

Responses from czbbcl

Cary or Conrad Johnson phono preamp?
I would suggest the cj unit but I would also consider the Herron VTPH-2 . Keith offers an in home trial period in case you don't like it . http://www.herronaudio.com/ 
speakers to audition with pass labs / PAD cabling
Focals work very well with Pass Labs amplifiers. I use a pair with my xa100.5's and like the combination very much. 
Pass XP-10 vs. Conrad Johnson ET3-SE
I would go with the xp-10 for system synergy reasons but either one will sound fantastic. And you can take advantage of the XLR connectors with the Pass. 
What is the answer?
one must first know the question? 
Phono Preamp recommendation for VPI Prime
I use the Herron VTPH-2 and it is a very nice phono stage simple to use and sounds great. 
Phono Stage Pass XP 15 VS Aesthetix Rhea
I would choose the Herron VTPH-2 over either of those two. I know you didn't ask for other manufacturer's. 
Pass Labs XA-60.8 Mono Blocks
Yup without question he builds some great sounding amplifiers and pre-amps for that matter. 
first impressions of Pass XA30.8
Glad to read that you are enjoying your new system! I agree that Pass makes great sounding equipment. And the companies support of their products is outstanding. 
Can't decide on Integrated Amp - Please Help
Another great SS Integrated although you would have to bump up your budget a bit(used) is the Pass INT 150 or 30A. Reno Hi-Fi offers a free 10 day in home trial all you pay is shipping to and fro if you send it back. 
Can't decide on Integrated Amp - Please Help
If you are not opposed to Tubes you might want to try an ARC VSi-60. At the moment there are a couple for sale here on this site; no affiliation. 
Pass XA-30.5 and PSB Synchrony One
You will probably be just fine. I would work with Mark at Reno Hi-Fi who offers a 10 day return policy if it doesn't work out; just pay shipping to and fro if you send it back. 
looking for opinions
From a cursory perspective It looks like it should be a very good match. Reno Hi-Fi is good to deal with and given his return policy there is little risk to you other than shipping costs should you decide to return the components. 
Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?
I still have my 1007 Be's but looking at Diablo. 
Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?
Haven't responded back with what direction I ended up going in . So here it is I ended up with the XA 100.5 amps and XP-20 Pre-Amp and the combination is excellent. The meters never move even during the loudest most dynamic symphonic passages. Eve... 
Need Preamp Pass XA60.5 and Dynaudio C1 mkII
I am running a pair of Focal 1007 Be monitors with Homegrown Audio DNA Interconnects (silver) and x-32 speaker cables (silver). The XP-20 / XA 100.5 combination given my set-up is very detailed smooth and places you up front and close to the sound...