

Responses from czbbcl

Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?
The Boulder lists for $12,500 so it is a bit on the pricey side for an Integrated and not sure it has all the features you are looking for.Chuck 
Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?
I would think the H300 would be a better comparison and if the 200 is that good perhaps the 300 is worth considering. Also looking closer into the Boulder 865 integrated. I really would rather find an acceptable integrated instead of sticking 100 ... 
Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?
I haven't considered the Hegel and I am not running anything right now. 
Your experience with a Spin Clean RCM?
I like mine works great highly recommended as a good economical solution to cleaning records. 
Oppo BDP105 mod
Read Dan Wright of Mod Wright especially if the other modder isn't telling you what he is going to do. Plus resale will be there with the Mod Wright and not with the other person; IMO.Chuck 
What's the weak link in my Analog chain?
Sounds like more of a set-up issue as that system should be able to outperform your digital set up; IMO.Chuck 
Herron VTPH-1 vs Allnic H1201
I heard the VTPH-2 compared with an ARC reference can't remember the exact number. But the Herron was very competitive with that unit. So IMO you would need to spend a fair amount of money to better the VTPH-2 but that's my opinion and why I purch... 
Audio Research Vs115
Glad to hear that Paragon Sight & Sound took care of you. I have been in that shop a couple of times as I live in the Detroit area. And while I have not purchased anything from them it is reassuring to know that they support their customers an... 
Herron VTPH-1 vs Allnic H1201
Have you considered upgrading your Herron to the VTPH-2?Chuck 
Boulder has full page ad in Du-pont registry
Why would you want a stereo in a Ferrari the engine makes the music. And they buy it because they can afford it not because they are interested in it. It is an exclusivity thing. 
Hubbell 5362. Anyone try this outlet?
GbartThe Hubbel web-site goes into explaining the workings of an Isolated Ground Circuit. Voodoo uses a Hubbel IG 8300 which is a standard outlet available from Hubbel just that Voodoo cryogenically treats it. And IG stands for, you guessed it, Is... 
Hubbell 5362. Anyone try this outlet?
I use these http://www.voodoocable.net/VAPO.htm as they provide an Isolated Ground and work very well also cryo treated. Chuck 
Pass Labs XP10 or Ayre K-1xe or CJ ET-3SE
If you can't audition which I don't understand because Reno Hi-Fi offers a free 10 day in home trial, you just pay shipping to and fro if you send it back. And as far as cj goes I believe Spearit Sound will do the same if you ask. But if you don't... 
Anyone enjoy their amp's sound more than music?
It's the total experience for me but the music still wins out. I love watching the LP spin on the TT under low light while the music plays; it warms my heart. And of course a glass of red wine or scotch in my hand. Pure Joy. Chuck 
Any experience with Arc ref75 driving magnepans
Directly from the mouth of Nelson Pass."Our experience is no problems at all with the ARC or CJ products with regard to interface. The amp doesn't care about source impedance. It's actual input impedance is close to 0 ohms, and the input impedance...