

Responses from czbbcl

VPI Classic 3 IDLE drive
It is Not touching the platter. 
Phono Peramp Choice/Pass, Herron, Avid
I have to second the Herron as it is a great Phono Stage. Very detailed, smooth, quiet and adjustable along with being very well built. I bought it after doing some research on this site and Keith offered an in home trial; so I figured why not. I ... 
Integrated Amp for Focal 1027be speakers
My Focal monitors sounded wonderful with the INT-30A and never Harsh. I would not consider the Focal's a warm speaker but brutally revealing (Harsh) of up stream components especially if they don't match well. At least this has been my experience ... 
Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?
Looks like my other post went missing. Oh Well. Kzhtoo I know and agree about the monitors versus the full range towers. But I have more of a WAF issue than Money. 
voodoo iec connector
Agree I have used them in the past and thought they worked great and were a good value as well.Chuck 
Van Cliburn, Cold War Musical Envoy, Dies at 78
A Great Pianist who passed to early. His influence on the Piano and Classical music will be treasured for decades to come. The Van Cliburn piano competition for which he sponsored and supported was the spring board of many Concert Pianists. May he... 
Integrated Amp for Focal 1027be speakers
Interested to hear how the modwright is working out for you. I have a pair of Focal 1007Be's and tried the INT30 and sent it back as I felt the 30 ran out of breathing room on some of the more percussive passages of large symphonic works. I am ser... 
My power amp ARC VT 100 keeps blowing tube
Sounds like a trip to the service center to me. 
The issue of lowballing... What does that mean?
I am in total agreement with you and don't understand the comment of ignoring offers when it is so easy just to decline the offer and move on. Don't take offers low or otherwise personally it is what it is buying and selling. Actually the comment ... 
Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?
Thanks I will check it out.Chuck 
Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?
DrubinIt seemed to have the juice it was just that the INT-30 didn't have the head room I needed or so it seemed. All the way to the XA 200's Huh. Well I really don't want to put that kind of money into a pair of amps. Perhaps if I listened to it ... 
Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?
Fiddlerontheroof Yes I think the INT-30 will meet your needs very well. It was a beautiful amp and performed admirably. I would recommend it highly.I wonder if going to separates say the XA30 with an XP20 would provide a bit more gain and texture.... 
Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?
Fiddlerontheroof I agree I need to stay with the XA series of amps as they are wonderful in their presentation. And I am sure mated with a XP 10 or 20 pre they would make a wonderful combination. And who knows I may end up with a pair of 1038 Be's... 
Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?
Yes they are the 1007 Be's. One of the issues with the INT-30 is that it doesn't have a meter so I really could not tell what was going. With some recordings Telarc Tchaikovsky 1812 overture, the digital canons for example, I thought the amp ran o... 
Pass Int-150 or Int-30A for PMC Speakers?
Actually the Pass revealed the Cary's short comings as well and was the better amp of the two; more refined. So I am looking to move up in the Pass line at least at this time just not sure exactly which amp / pre-amp.Chuck