
Responses from detlof

demagnitizing CD s?
In April 2000 Stereophile reviewed a Japanese "demagnetiser"he Furutech. These folks maintain, that their gadget is better then the Bedini, because the motor in the B. would "remagnetise" the CD. I've got a Furutech, it looks very nice and sexy an... 
Aesthetix Io-Reliability Problems???
Kudos and thanks to Albertporter for sharing his expert knowledge with us 
New Visitor Confused Over Upgrade
Hello Jim, can you enlighten me? What's a wanker? 
New Visitor Confused Over Upgrade
I did not read all your reactions, just the starting shot from Peter the Brit and I tend to think that he's making this up, pulling all our legs. Pg correspondence courses in EE indeed......and his "system"? What a well thought out collection of h... 
Contact cleaners/What's good?
To these ears, Kontak is the way to go. Pro-Gold is second best. 
Rcprince (as usual) and all the others seem to be dead right!I use the ML 30.6 and the 31.5 for digital and adding the Purcell to the chain did not make bad CD's sound much better, but also certainly not worse. With good CD's there was a fantastic... 
Aesthetix Io-Reliability Problems???
Hi Gerry,Now I come in with questions too: 1. Tube changes?2. Did you keep the original brands?3. What is a "second power supply" ? An upgrade or beefed up version or are you cascading them in a way unsing two supplies, which to me seems unlikely,... 
Sunfire Sub Hum
Isolation transformers sometimes ( not always ) degrade the sound. 
Sunfire Sub Hum
Oh I forgot, if you have your TV in the same rig, your antenna may cause a ground loop. There are gadgets on the market to solve this problem. 
Sunfire Sub Hum
If I had your problem, I would at first do as you have done. If of no avail: 1. check if your sub is plugged in together with your other gear on the same line. If not, you may have a ground loop. See that all gear is fed from the same line. 2. che... 
Vinyl or wait for the new stuff??
I happen to own both a very highly resolving digital, as well as very renowned analog front end. I listen through electrostats, coupled with subs. It so happened that the electronics in my Goldmund arm went bonkers and I had to wait to have it rep... 
Keeping cables off the floor
Hm, sounds interesting, Alexc,the material is not conductive, though I believe some foams are, should isolate.....its worth trying. 
Keeping cables off the floor
Thanks a ton for these enlightening posts, gentlemen! Lots of enspiring ideas..I'll start experimenting. Happy listening to you all. 
Jadis Fidelity
Rcprince, your suggestions are wise. I wondered myself if I was listening actually to the IO, or rather more to cables not broken in. I'll give it time, let her stew and then we'll see if this here right-brainer will be more happy with IO's presen... 
XLO Reference speaker cable
neutral, open, fast, nice midrange