
Responses from detlof

Routing those power cords
What I would try, the thought just jumped to mind, in reading your thread, if I were in your shoes, would be to route the power cables through a copper tube and ground the tube somewhere to real ground and listen, if there is any difference. Apart... 
Access/Use Restrictions-Listening Room
Since my house cleaner years ago, dusted off my record player and its cartridge in the process, the listening area is strictly off limits for all and the mishaps which occasionaly occur are strictly caused by my own stupidity. A much better arrang... 
Burn In = Voodoo?
I have often pondered along the same lines as you have. Possibly we both have a cynical bent of mind. So what....however, I have found that phono-cartriges for example after hours of playing, slowly begin to change, generally for the better, in th... 
Do the Audio gods shine upon you?
Amen Halleluja,Steven, Amen!! 
Apogee Diva VS Magnepan MG-20 ?
Strange that you got no answer so far, so here I come again, not that I have in depth experience of either speaker, however offhand I would say, that the Maggies have better soundstaging, are a bit more coherent and play equally loud. Dynamics I w... 
Convert Spectral DMA 360 to 220 volts
This is an old thread but very well worthwhile to rejuvenate it, especially for "Euros" coveting Spectral gear.Rick Fryer will bite your head off, politely but firmly, if you ask him for voltage conversion. Besides it cannot be done. The powersupp... 
Spectral Phono Section vs. External one!
Jcbtubes is dead right ! If you covet a slightly warmer, fuller presentation, do as he suggests. If you like the Spectral sound however, you would need to spend big bucks to do better. The Spectral phono section, as far as resolution, delicacy, so... 
4 stacked Quad ESL 57 VS Apogee Diva
The stacked Quads have one of the best midrange offerings you can ever hope to find. Even still today, especially when driven with tubes. They have a sweet spot, which is quite narrow. So they need careful placement. They don't play particularly l... 
the best electonic crossover???
Yes of course, Elgordo, I should have thought of that. Its a near perfect solution. Can you still find them around ?Thanks for your input! 
the best electonic crossover???
ECO's all change the sound in some way, generally not for the better. I find them acceptable, if only used on the low pass side at 500hz and under, generally they take away midrange bloom and transparency. But I suppose you know all that. I myself... 
ELP laser turntable
Yes, it was called Finial, Peter Moncrieff raved about it, I think it was more than ten years ago, after that was silence. If I recall correctly, there was a mention in TAS recently on a similar product, which did not sound very encouraging either... 
New Visitor Confused Over Upgrade
Jim, I see what you mean now and could not aggree more! We have a similar expression here in Switzerland and Pietieboy seems a point in case. (If he is real ) 
Aesthetix Io-Reliability Problems???
Albert, I've been downrated in this thread, when expressing my respect and my thanks for sharing your expertise with us, but I'll do so again, becuase though you did not address me directly, you have helped me a lot to understand better. 
Do the Audio gods shine upon you?
Ramstl is right about the "organic variables", but also about the AC, which is generally better at night. The right kind of temperature und humidity has an effect, I have found and of course listening in the dark, which will let your subjective pe... 
Get rid of excessive low bass
Totally square rooms are a bitch for speaker setup. Before you invest any money, I suggest you try moving the speakers around and listen, get them away from corners especially. Sometimes only a few inches can help. Good luck!