
Responses from detlof

Review: KAB SL-1200 Fluid Damper Tweak
Zaike, thanks for your fine review and also kudos to Sean for his thoughtful comments. Although experimenting similarly with very different gear, I could not agree more with what has been said. If your goal is the effortless, strainless, natural r... 
Does bridging give you the monoblock sound??
Marty, mine would tell your better half not to bother, if the statement came from me. It is probably exactly that, what Marakanetz meant with the cancellation of out of phase signals. Your wife and mine would probably agree, that we're mostly out ... 
Does bridging give you the monoblock sound??
Viridian and Sean are deadright. Basically I have nothing to add. I've used two Spectral 200 class A amps, one for each speaker-side , to drive two pairs of Stax F93 stators to this day. I suppose that is ( a subform of ) what Sean calls horizonta... 
The passing of another legend...
Amen and thankyou Sherod! 
opinions on modern horn speakers
Honky, I feel is true of older designs. The Avantgardes, and even better the A-Capellas are defentitely worthy of a try. Especially the latter, if set up right, can even give the best of stators a run for their money. 
Amp Suggestions
With that setup I'd go tubes all through. The Jadis 30, as suggested above has not enough power. Within your price range the Antique Sound Lab Hurricane monos,($4400 new) which HP raved about in TAS, would be ideal, I find. Don't go for less..... 
Soundstaging and imaging are audiophile fictions.
Sean, I find your statement interesting, regarding visual clues lowering our responses to audible clues. I find this to be absolutely true as far as listening to our rigs at home is concerned, not so however listening to live music in a hall, wher... 
Soundstaging and imaging are audiophile fictions.
Jeffrey, it is true what you state and sometimes it is not. If you have a hall with much reverb, you will find it hard to pinpoint a particular instrument playing, say in a string quartett if you close your eyes, with eyes open however, your ears,... 
Best bang-for-buck purchase you have made?
Well with me it was two Spectral 200 Class A amps in the eighties for 2000 Swissfrancs each, which would be about 3000 bucks at today's rate of exchange. I still use them to this day to drive the Stax stators in my setup and without MIT wires to b... 
What's to prefer; tube preamp or tube amp?
I'm talking stators here and I think I need BOTH tubed, preamps and amps, I've lived with Gryphons a long time, Kirk, The Ref. Mono 1 and the Electra, however with electrostats they are easily bettered both in speed, soundstage and transparency by... 
Buzzing sound while turning volume switch.
Bob and Zaikesman give good advice to my mind. Sometimes merely working the control end to end several times can help and make the buzz go away. If that does not help, unplug the unit from the mains, wait a little if it is a tubed unit, open it up... 
Every make a purchase you truly regret?
Zaike, now that you ask and upon proper consideration, I must admit that I do only restrain myself, when I don't listen alone. But even when alone, my system is so well set up at the moment, that I forget all about it and wouldn't even notice if i... 
Survey-What is your most used source?
What do I listen to most-in the order of preference:1.LP (highly modded Goldmund Reference/Clearaudio Insider or highly modded Souther/Helicon.)2.Analog prerecorded tape (Otari,Studer)3.Tuner (Rhode&Schwarz all tube stereo relay reciever, 1960... 
Are two dedicated lines better than one?
Greg and Stehno are dead right for the simple reason, that I did exactly that....and how can I be wrong!!?? (-;P.S. The electrician didn't complain, I treated him for free, hehe.......... 
Every make a purchase you truly regret?
Jrd, you have my sympathy. I've just sold a pair of Gryphon Ref. Monos and I had to collect every trace of willpower to schlepp them around and box them up. Thankfully they are gone now. These are wonderful amps, easily putting some great SS names...