
Responses from detlof

Anyone recommend a neutral tube amp?
Eagleman, if that were so, you would have the famous wire with gain, which is a goal which perhaps designers strive for, but hardly ever reach. Tubes can colour the sound and tube rolling may sometimes even improve the sound of a device, but often... 
Herbie Hancock on the Grammys
I agree with Audiofeil. If you are familiar with Joni's original rendering of the songs, her phrasings and giving underlying meaning to her texts, you'll find both music and singing pathetically exaggerated and unintelligent, because of the singer... 
Audio Alchemy OM 150 hum. What is the cause?
If it is a low frequency hum, it is most probably a ground loop somewhere, unless the problem is within the unit itself. I suppose you have to get a cheater plug and experiment with the powercords, taking care not getting electrocuted. See to it, ... 
Where to get protective cups for under spikes?
I used old Brits pennies. They're copper and fairly large. 
Can you change a 220 volt amp to 110volt?
Warren, please drop me a mail, if you need further thought in this matter. 
Can you change a 220 volt amp to 110volt?
Hi Warren,Here's one: Hope this helps you on a bit.Cheers,Detlof 
Can you change a 220 volt amp to 110volt?
Warren,this question has been asked again and again on these pages and with a bit of searching you would find all the necessary information.The simple answer to your question is: Yes it can mostly, but there are exceptions. Often all it takes is t... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Shadorne, just for the record, I don't bash digital. In fact I like it and can get drawn into the music with a well recorded cd. The Zanden combo is magnificent and what it does to redbook is simply amazing and also the DCS combo with SACD gear ca... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
I haven't followed the entire thread, but I'm inclined to agree with Nilthepill- almost - but then, I first refused to believe my ears, I listened again - in my system no less - to a well set up Goldmund Reference I, a Clearaudio Insider and a WAV... 
Best Component Ever, for the money
Bart,Interesting you should say that. I also found that the Ming Da has potential. However I found it a bit noisy. What tubes did you use it with? Please enlighten us, because I think the basic design is very good. 
Most helpful audio companies
Atma-SphereCable Company 
What Happened to CD Clubs & Stores to Buy CDs?
Chazro, excellent point you make! Before, you would discover something in the stores, try it out by listening to it and buy it or not. That opportunity has gone completely. Instead , what I do, is meeting weekly with friends of similar interests a... 
What Happened to CD Clubs & Stores to Buy CDs?
Afficionados download these days, per song mind you, not entire CDs. Not only Tower Records closed down a few years ago. The entire market has changed completely. These days you buy music from your armchair. Here in Europe stores still exist and t... 
Sending audio cables to Europe
About stealing...Since I buy most of my soft- and hardware in the States and this since over 30 years and most of the stuff, like LPs, tapes or CDs go by USPS, I must say that I have only suffered two losses so far (touch wood). One was a bunch of... 
Sending audio cables to Europe
Just a short remark from the receiving end, Switzerland, that is. All the advice above is excellent. Fedex and UPS are indeed expensive, but seem to clear customs especially fast. If you want to go USPS, make sure to use their Express (EMS) servic...