
Responses from detlof

Live or Recorded; A Faustian response
Please show me an experience you go through, which is NOT authentic as an experience per se? Even if I would only hallucinate, that I'm writing this at the moment into my computer, it is still authentic, as MY experience of writing this at this ve... 
Do power conditioners really help?
Flemke and Cornfed are right in my opinion. Try to get the old type screw in ceramic fuses instead of circuit breakers. These things are reported as noisy. 
NEW Power Treatment Technique
This is only half measures: To finally have an entirely dark background I've removed the main fuse of the house. Now at last everything is quiet, I have peace of mind and this ultimate upgrade even helps to save money. 
Mark Levinson Owners - Camac Connector Info
Thanks, this is great help! 
Live or Recorded; A Faustian response
Shubertmaniac, interesting that you call responding to recorded music more passive than reacting to a live event. Obviously we are all different. I personally get drawn into the music here or there, especially if my system gets the gestalt of the ... 
Live or Recorded; A Faustian response
I'm with Greg and Albert for the same reasons. 
Have you ever broken the needle?
The significant other found the platter dusty, took a cloth to clean it, the rest you can work out for yourself. After I've had my fit, she promised to leave dust as dust.....and Kelly, you must have gotten up on the wrong foot this morning...Cheers, 
better gear, worse recordings
I am speaking here strictly only of big orchestral classical music and here you can safely say, that the art of recording has begun to decline with the introduction of multimiking , dynagroove and more and more electronic "soundshaping". In the gl... 
What can come after Apogee Divas?
As I read the above posts and came to Greg's, I must say, that he's taken the words right out of my mouth, as far as the Quads are concerned. The Quads will outperform the Divas, but as Gregg has pointed out, Gladiator et al will give them the cou... 
If You Could Only Keep 3-CD's LP's , Which Ones?
Schubert Quintet in C-sharp, RCA SDElla Fitzgerald, Clap hands, here comes Charlie, VERVEDizzie Gillespie, Swing low sweet Cadillac, ImpulseALL VINYL (but only for this second, in the meantime the selection has already changed) 
Where can I get RAM super low noise tubes?
Does not look to me, that the above mentioned article answers Sean's very well founded question. I sincerely hope RM will come back to this thread. He, by the way, was the designer of a wonderful preamp marketed by Beveridge, which a hatchet job r... 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
I wish, I still had my old Servo-Static panels, especially for their tweeter elements. Sigh.... 
Brightness Differences Between Daytime and Evening
Rcprince, I wished I had, but I'm afraid I haven't in the least, except for the fact, that I share your experience. As far as the equipment goes, yes, there is less hash in the powerline and my Jadis gear will indeed behave in the way described ab... 
Best transport to use with Jadis JS 1 tube dac
Rcprince, LOL. Can't say speak for spoke for both of us. Cheers, 
Which tubes is better. Siemens or Telefunken?
fletchj is absolutely right in my opinion and rch10 at IBM probably has never heard what tubes can do. Cheers,