
Responses from detlof

A search for great cables for electrostatics
Tekunda, this thread is about cables for ESLs, which as far as I know, the speakers you mention are NOT. 
A search for great cables for electrostatics
Ivanj, I've only tried them in the above combination and am not suficiently familiar with the Magnans. Found them vastly superior to the NORDOST SPM though, which surprisingly sounded very rough with bloated bass with the InnerSound amp, whereas t... 
A search for great cables for electrostatics
Bradz, I've heard the Innersound cables (both speaker and ic} with the Innersound amp on Quad 63s. They are an excellent match with this amp with good highs, plenty of slamm in the bottom and a dynamic and coherent midrange. Best of all, they are ... 
An unscientific poll: How often are you happy?
Dear Will, wouldn't know, but not be surprised at all: After all, nomen est omen, no?(An afterthought: I feel really sorry for the unfortunate flautist, having to eat all those beans and onions with garlic before every performance and all that sla... 
An unscientific poll: How often are you happy?
Well it seems, that Zaikesman's excellent thread has given birth to a new benchmark in audiophilia, involving more sensual markers than ever before. Thanks to him and Ozfly we can now reach a level of certainty, which was quite impossible before t... 
An unscientific poll: How often are you happy?
Zaikesman, what offense pray, are you talking about ?In fact, the coronetist, in his noble efforts, venting himself, so to speak in true stereo, both Wagnerian and eisbeinish with Sauerkraut ("bier" being released rather in upwardish ventriloqy)gi... 
An unscientific poll: How often are you happy?
Tibina, Serotininereuptakeinhibitors like Prozac are stongly contraindicated, since (amongst impairing other pleasurable things ) they reduce listening acuity. Scotch is excellent for hearing on the other hand, but as is the case with sidenafil or... 
An unscientific poll: How often are you happy?
Youv'e got it Zaikesman! Time to repent and make amends now. Greg's taste in Scotch is very highly recommended!Cin-Cin, Detlof 
An unscientific poll: How often are you happy?
Dear Greg, thanks for the flowers, however after much professional hums and haws and much thoughtful twiddling of thumbs, I'd suggest that in actual fact you rather pretend that your system sounds like REAL MUSIC !! And that is the best of illusio... 
Lightning Protection
Above all, get a good insurance! 
An unscientific poll: How often are you happy?
Greg, I envy you for your percentage, oh Wise One, myself , I suppose I've become a grumpy old curmudgeon. To wit:JD, as a brother in arms as far as Spectral is concerned, I am rather curious in your case about the two factors this thread is about... 
An unscientific poll: How often are you happy?
Zaikesman, good thread! My investment,if I were to calculate store prices, is about 200k, spent in the course of the last two decades about. Satisfaction percentage is about 10%. But those 10% are pure bliss. Why so low, you may ask? Well I'm curs... 
"Cable Driver" by Audience
Thanks Sean for pointing me to your thread on AA. I'm now even more curious to try it out, but almost two thousand bucks with shipping and duties to these shores bites quite a big chunk from my wallet. So I think I'll hang on first, still hoping f... 
What about Bybee Filters?
I am very happy with the old style Bybees in my system. So happy in fact, that I use them on both ends of most of my ICs and speaker cables ( here reverse phase on the amp end ). I tested them first by simply adding them to just one channel ( got ... 
Beyond SACD with Redbook: Price No Object
I've read the entire thread with great interest, because I find myself in the same dilemma which Albert has described so well: Vinyl, if set up right and without compromise, is still the best sonically, but what about new releases, which won't com...