
Responses from doctorcilantro

Steam cleaning records 2
Some of the points raised about level of heat involved got me thinking. I'm not so sure the idea of getting deep into the grooves makes sense giving that uses fine nylon brushes and lots of fluid should get in there pretty well. I think the heat i... 
Are linear tracking arms better than pivoted arms?
I always felt the cilantro had a health-promoting quality. Spicy food with cilantro is my remedy when feeling under the weather.Jon 
Are linear tracking arms better than pivoted arms?
Interesting mention of Grado carts. in this thread, which I specifically searched for. I wonder what some owners who reported bad luck with multiple linears, used for carts?I have the Grados to work very well on my MG-1. In the past with some othe... 
MG-1 airbearing arm tracking problems?
Too bad Ada didn't get back to you. He has been very helpful to me; he does get busy at times, but usually isn't too hard to get a hold of. Have you done any fluid damping? 
Azimuth observations and importance
I guess my thinking was to balance my phono stage (uncommon for most I guess) so that when I do the Ultimate Test Record azimuth test, and won't have to worry that my phono stage is not introducing any error into the test. I got a little confused;... 
Azimuth observations and importance
Interesting. I have question for you all.I'm about the setup my new table and I use a phono stage with dual independent volume controls (flat gain mic preamp in to PC).Do I need to generate a loopback (since I use a PC) with a digitally generated ... 
What is the best DAC under $2000 and why?
new contenders?used nova.eastern electric dac.dc 
TADAC owners - which best 12au7 tubes?
Mazda (RT/RTC) are all incredible, across all types. It's uncanny really. I have some square getter wing plate 12AU7s I can't wait to roll into my new DAC. 
MG1 air- bearing tone-arm
I have one on my Bix and I really enjoy. It doesn't seem as finicky as people often describe linear trackers in general.There is one 1/2" bolt that secures it any armboard, and then it has 3 spike which you can adjust with an Allen wrench from the... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Anyone know the compliance of the ClearAudio Maestro Wood? Is it 15cu?thanksDC 
Seta Phono preamplifiers
yeah that is the PureVinyl stuff, very cool.Here's my setup:EquipmentNitty Gritty RCM Mini-ProBix Record PlayerMG1 Airbearing TonearmGrado Reference (Statement .5mv)AEA Big Ribbon (70db flat gain)Black Lion Sparrow (ADC)EMU 1616M (Transport)Variou... 
What Makes a Good RIAA or Line Stage?
I can simultaneoulsy monitor AND record the digital RIAA setup with 11% cpu usage. It is not convoluted. 
Measure My Turntable Speed
I don't by the KAB results. They didn't make sense. When I fine tuned my Bix motor, there was no sweet-spot. It just didn't feel right, whereas now I can test with the record on and needle in the groove during playing. I got my digistrobo for mayb... 
Measure My Turntable Speed
Forgot to mention, with the KAB, the needle was not in the groove, but with the Digistrobo it is (as you know).Maybe that was the ticket. I got the Digistrobo on sale for a little over $100 and being able to check speed during playback has proven ... 
Measure My Turntable Speed
I haven't read the whole thread, but I could never get my speed set on my Bix with the KAB unit.I sold my KAB strobe and bought the Digistrobo which claims my system is locked in perfectly and stays locked in rather tightly over time.I wonder if t...