
Responses from doctorcilantro

CD transport vs streamer?
You can try this for FLAC in iTunes: 
CD transport vs streamer?
"I am presently using a squeezebox unmodded and streaming via ethernet (not wi fi) uncompressed files from a Mac. I am feeding this into my Weiss Medea DAC (tried both Toslink and coaxial). However, comparing it to using my Jason transport, the so... 
CD transport vs streamer?
I potential buyer of a Toslink cable I had a while back claimed that the standard Mac actually downsampled to 44/48kHz out of the digital out. I think the MacBook Pro does not downsample. Sort of like Apple's version of K-mixer ???DC 
CD transport vs streamer?
"Why is it that most people prefer to use a Mac over a PC when making a music server?? I would like to purchase a PC notebook and make it into a music server, BUT everyone seems to be using a mac instead. Why???"They don't know about J. River? MAC... 
Music Server with no DAC?
Sorry for my spelling, stuck on my iPhone for now. The gist is, you can push 24/96 24/192 over your LAN with the right hardware. These new netbooks keep coming to mind and something like the Proton DAC would give your a VERY nice hi-fi streaming s... 
Music Server with no DAC?
J. River is the most functional with equal or better quality to Foobar or MM. Can stream lossless to upnp or over wan to another instance. Multiple zone playback, database driven, expressions, custom meta-data.I look at reviews of Sonos and the pr... 
Upsampling DAC fed at upsample rate
I talked to Dave S. on the phone asking specifically about the usb as I'm used to using a Lavry and EMU1212M via coax or toslink.He stated that it would be okay to pass 24/96 over Toslink or Coax as their usb protocol doesn't do anything above 44.... 
Anyone listen to the ASL Typhoon DT?
Has anyone tried running KT90 in triode on these?thanksJon 
PC vs MAC laptop as music server
More lossless formats on PC, and there is nothing that comes close to J. River Media Center for the Mac...iTunes in the Windows of the Mac world..... 
What Makes a Good RIAA or Line Stage?
Digital RIAA implementation via DSP/VST:@ 96 kHz:two pole IIR filter:MAXIMUM ERROR FROM 0.00 Hz TO 20000.00 Hz IS 0.0057028dBMAXIMUM PHASE ERROR FROM 0.00 Hz TO 20000.00 Hz IS ~+/- 2.4 degreesthree pole IIR filter:MAXIMUM ERROR FROM 0.00 Hz TO 200... 
Large Audio Libraries
You need J. River Media Center, period. The BEST there is. Try it for thirty days. Once I started seriously archiving my collection of cd's and records I needed the same thing. It's a great progrma and supports multiple codecs, burning, secure rip... 
Problem with Denon CDRW1500
Yes, it is the CDRW1500. It won't let me dub or record a to blank disc. I talways says 'Use Audio CD' but I have tried multiple brands andd pored over the manual time & time again. I just ordered a 1-24X disc from here: http://www.electronicsc... 
Problem with Denon CDRW1500
still no go. I have two 3 pc's one with 4 burners but I want this DENON to work for digital source recording UGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!