
Responses from drew_w

Anthem MCA-2 or NAD C370 ?
Why biamp? 
Question about Spectral DMA-100S amplifier
What would make you think it's not like most everything else on the market where you can mix and match forever? 
Anyone heard new Moon I-7 Integrated Amp?
Those displays on the Sim products are absolutely horrible.The Classe looks fantastic and the touch screen just oozes coolness. Now as to how it sounds, I'm not a huge fan of Classe "sound", so I'll pass on that judgement. 
Von Schweikert VR4JR & Tube Amp???
I'm not sure CV-6/Mont Blanc to 8TC is a step forward... 
Can I put receiver and CD player on top of my sub?
Make a shelf unit that straddles your sub and provides a firm base for your components above. 
Which Mono block amps for ML Summit Speakers?
I sold my JC-1s (downsizing, I'm still crying over it) to a guy who's now running them with ML Prodigies. He absolutely loves it. My experience with the JC-1s was solid as well, so that'd be my recommendation. 
Buget system idea?
My friend has the 2.7QRs...runs them with a Bryston 4BST...the status lights on the Bryston blink red at peaks on rock material played at average (certainly not deafening) sound material. I'm not sure what your listening habits are or what you lis... 
tweeters- metal or soft dome?
It depends on the specific speaker. You need to listen, not read, to appreciate the differences. 
Audioquest Volcano and Mont Blanc opinions
The Mont Blanc is really the bang for the buck choice for a copper cable. Volcano is a bigger monster. Whether it'll improve the sound is anybody's guess as we don't know anything about the OP's system. 
Your say - AudioQuest DBS system
They need break in? The whole idea of DBS is to ELIMINATE the breakin period by keeping the cable dielectric "primed".The simple solution to the OP's question is to compare the King Cobra and Jaguar. They are the exact same cable, except the Jagua... 
Which Processor, Is Rotel 1068 a good choice?
Unless you're getting a huge discount on the Rotel, buy something used. In your price range, the Anthem AVM-20 v2 is a SOLID SOLID buy. 
Are the Von Schweikert VR-4JRs really all that?
The Shanling 200C direct into the Halo JC-1 is a great match for the 4JRs. The problem with the Halos though is that they're big and they run hot. Broke the deal for me in my smallish room, so out the Halos went, but that didn't mean that life in ... 
Rotel RB 1070 bridged/ RB 1090
Neither. If you can afford the 1090, you can afford a better power amp than the Rotel. Don't get me wrong, they build decent stuff, but having had a 1080 in my system temporarily while waiting for my Bryston amp to come in almost a year ago now, t... 
Need an integrated amplifire for totem forest
BAT's VK-300x with 6922 or SuperTubes can be found for around $3000-3500. 
Dynaudio Audience 82 vs Paradigm Reference 100 V3
Trust your ears. They sound completely different. You need to audition them.