
Responses from eweedhome

sweet, euphonic, reasonably powerful tube amp?
This has been a terrifically helpful thread and I thank all the contributors.Today I bought a 2nd hand CJ Premier 11, which I'm having sent to Bill Thalman to upgrade, etc. So I will experience what I guess would be a "mid-period" CJ sound, which ... 
sweet, euphonic, reasonably powerful tube amp?
Drastic - Thanks for your comments about the room, but as I tried to indicate previously, further work on room acoustics is not possible, for domestic reasons. Further, as noted, I've already treated the windows, the floors are covered with rugs, ... 
sweet, euphonic, reasonably powerful tube amp?
Rodman - My VT100 is a mkiii, so I'm stuck with the 6H30. I'm reluctant to roll NOS tubes in an amp. Tube problems with an amp can be a bit more dramatic than with a pre-amp.Pubul57 - Thanks for the thought about the CJ's. I had an MV75a 25 years ... 
sweet, euphonic, reasonably powerful tube amp?
Usblues - The room is a standard suburban living room with wooden floors, rugs, various furniture, sheetrock walls, and windows on one side, treated with Marigo dots. Domestic issues limit my ability to fiddle with room acoustics. The speakers are... 
Koetsu step up transformer - who knows about it?
Xronx - Many thanks for your thoughtful response. In fact, my Koetsu transformer is apparently similar to yours--there are Asian (I assume Japanese) characters on the front (two of them, one above the other). And, of course, it is from that vintag... 
What's likely to go wrong with a used CD player?
One of the main problems with older CD players (2nd hand or not) is that various parts (including transport mechanisms, for example) go out of production, and you end up with something that's hard to repair.With ARC, I would expect less of that is... 
Koetsu Restoration
For what it's worth, I ended up buying a new Koetsu Black instead of having my 20 year old one rebuilt. I liked the old one reasonably well, but I have to admit, there was no real comparison. I think that those that postulated that the innards of ... 
Tube or Solid State Preamp- BAT or AR
If you read through a lot of the posts, etc., I think you'll find listeners generally describing ARC tube gear as more "neutral" (i.e., less warm and "tubey") and the BAT gear to be somewhat darker. For me, a warm sound with lots of lower mids and... 
"Old" vs. "new" digital equipment
I agree with Rotarius that reproduction of massed strings is a weak area for the 3A's, at least with a digital source. That was my experience. In fairness, it's a weak area for lots, if not most gear. (Especially if your reference is Carnegie Hall... 
Lp cleaning - scrubbing records - any downside?
Agree with everyone that recommends only a light scrub, not a heavy scrub. Cleaned a couple of batches yesterday, and so far, they sound great. No damage that I can tell. Very little in the way of pops or ticks. No grunge. In fact, overall, this b... 
Lp cleaning - scrubbing records - any downside?
I scrubbed another batch today, including some EMI's. I'll report back.What got me excited about scrubbing was a 50's RCA Toscanini disc of La Mer. I cleaned with w/ a regular cleaner and the VPI, with no scrubbing. The record looked pretty good, ... 
Replacing feet fitted to ARC equipment
Brown Electronic Labs (also known as BEL...to the extent it's known) has some hard rubber feet that are also sold separately that are supposed to be better than the usual feet.This is my experience: I tried Symposium stands. Using their metal "fee... 
"Old" vs. "new" digital equipment
Re: Wadia, which some folks think is the answer, I agree that the 860 is pretty good, once it's been modified by Great Northern Sound. I thought it was too strident in stock condition. Because of that, a couple of years back I replaced the unmodif... 
Which Webern box set do 20th century fans like?
Ditto the Craft set...a copy of which I just bought on Ebay. It's the set I used when I was studying some of the pieces in music school 30 years ago. I love Boulez, too, really--he understands the music, certainly, but the acoustic in the Craft se... 
"Old" vs. "new" digital equipment
I listen to a lot of orchestral music and, like you, noticed the grain in massed strings, and the congestion, exactly as you describe, and it began to drive me nuts. My system (at least an earlier version) was pretty similar to yours, except it st...