
Responses from eweedhome

How to clean CDs
Musical Therapy - I tried the Goo Gone and it worked beautifully. Many thanks.Eweedhome 
CD player straight into amps?
Unlike some of the other post-ers, I tried a Wadia 860 with and without a pre-amp, and I liked the "with pre-amp" version better. A dealer friend of mine explained some techno-electrical theory as to why one might be better off with a pre-amp, but... 
How Many Of Us Are Compensating
Your comment about making compromises in our systems rather than limiting what we listen to is one that resonates very much with me. A year ago, I had a very analytical sounding system. On a select number of recordings, it sounded terrific. On a l... 
Any previous Wadia users?? Or did everyone move?
Like you, I have an 860x, which I had modified by Steve Huntley at GNSC a few months ago. Takes a while to break in (as he will tell you), but the results were superb. (I posted a mini-review of the modded 860 vs my Linn CD12, which shouldn't be h... 
Observations on Audiogon Posts
Frankly, I think it takes a while (and an ear with some real listening time and experience) to figure out that there is not one objectively "right" sound that you can get out of a system at a particular price range for all your purposes and all yo... 
Tired of Expensive Speaker Cable. Alternatives?
I tried several different expensive wires, Audioquest, Kimber select, Cardas Golden Cross, and one or two others, and ended up liking Cardas Cross (NOT Golden Cross), especially in the "not bright" department. Cardas has a reputation for being war... 
Cables for Audio Research
Pops, in response, it was/is KS1011, which was recommended to me by a guy I've done business with for years in Austin.Breaking in gear is a major pain, you know? What I've heard about the Kimber Select is that it really needs 400+ hours to get whe... 
Cables for Audio Research
I used Kimber Select between a GNSC modded LS15 and a VT100 mk III. I thought it was a bit bright. I ended up trying, and liking, Cardas Cross very much. I prefer it to Cardas Golden Cross, in fact...it's a bit more laid back. So I outfitted my wh... 
Midrange Better Than Harbeth or Spendor?
Bill - You're absolutely on the right track...a home listen for either Harbeth should provide your answers.Good listening! 
Midrange Better Than Harbeth or Spendor?
Bill - Fair questions. One Harbeth dealer I know does not favor the HL5's because he considers them a bit bass-heavy. I've heard something like that elsewhere, which suggests to me that the "leanness" you report in the M30s probably reflects a con... 
Midrange Better Than Harbeth or Spendor?
Bcollins - A thought: You mentioned the Super HL5's as being a bit large for your room. Is there any way you can try out the M30's? They are smaller (though about the same price point) and they have what I understand to be a silk dome tweeter that... 
Midrange Better Than Harbeth or Spendor?
What an interesting question. I own a pair of Harbeth M30s, which I brought in to replace Vandersteen 3a sigs (which had replaced 2ce sigs). There was no contest. I listen to a lot of classical music, and the sound of strings (massed or otherwise)... 
Avalon Ascendants - How is the treble?
I went up to Great Northern Sound to listen to the Avalon Ascendants in the last 10 days, and can now answer my question myself. The short version is that I'm buying a pair, though not without a bit of uncertainty. I've gotten used to the Harbeths... 
Want something more forgiving than Vandy 3a sigs
Thanks, CMK. Actually, the Vandy's are gone, in favor of Harbeth M30s. Yes, I lost a bit of detail; however, that was in favor of musicality--to my ears, anyway. It took me months to get used to the idea of giving up on the Vandersteens, mainly be... 
Want something more forgiving than Vandy 3a sigs
Bondman - Thank you for your ideas. I've not heard any of the speakers you mentioned, and I will keep them in mind.You're certainly correct about the ARC reputation. Two things: My LS15 was modified by Steve Huntley at Great Northern Sound. It is ...