
Responses from fossda

Ssssh, is your tube preamp really that quiet?
My Allnic H3000 is dead quiet coupled to my Edge NL12.1. I also use an Edge Signature 1.1SE pre and notice no difference in background noise-both are dead quiet. 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Edge NL 12.1 in use for about 7 years now. Great power with hard to beat sound. Compared with a lot of amps initially and this consistently came out on top. Using with Edge Signature 1.1SE pre and Allnic H3000 tube pre. 
Is the Musical Fidelity Nu-vista M3 outdated
Great amp. I owned one for a couple of years and was very happy. Only concern may be a somewhat softer bass when compared to other amps. This was apparent when I moved from Angstrom Obligatto speakers to the Von Schwiekert (sp?)VR5HSE. Depending o... 
What's about EDGE Audio ?
Just a quick follow up. The only issue I noticed at first was very limited ability to increase the volume particularly with CD. Very loud quickly with an impact on balance at low levels. I found this interesting since both the Edge and Allnic had ... 
What's about EDGE Audio ?
The new Edge amps 12.2 series do not use the laser biasing technology of the 12.1 and earlier models. The new owners are not associated with Norbert and Maker (I think thats right) who started Edge and ran it out of Florida. The article I read whi... 
What's about EDGE Audio ?
I have had no reliability issues with my 12.1 and its my understanding from Edge that they have never had to replace one to date. The new company has gone to a different type of circut but is able to service any Edge product if required. I spoke t... 
Nordost "sweet spot"
With the v2 now available for the Norse line of cables there have been some great buys on AudiogoN for Frey and Heimdall. Blue Heaven and Red Dawn also good but not equal to the first 2 mentioned. These are great cables. 
Anyone own Nordost TYR or ODIN?
I have been running tyr in my system and have just about completed the change to all Valhalla. The difference in sound quality to Odin is significant and would not be justified unless you were running the very best of gear (even then?). The norse ... 
$18k Tube preamp for large scale symphonies please
Some tube options I am familiar with-BAT Rex, either Allnic L-3000 or L-5000. With the quality of sound available with either format you could consider Edge, Pass labs, Burmester, Moon Evolution, Ayre 
Looking for a very good integrated solid state amp
Couple of good options: Moon is an excellent product, Ayre, one of the big Marantz integrated at your price point is a great amp, you may be able to purchase on of the new Luxman models on sale at your price, Musical Fidelity a great choice-have o... 
Allnic line stage mating with amplifiers
I have an L-3000 with the 14db gain option mated with an Edge NL 12.1 driving a pair of B&W 800D's and absolutely love the combination. Seriously considering selling my Edge sig 1.1 SE pre (itself an excellent product. I had first traded a moo... 
What's about EDGE Audio ?
I had to replace the batteries in my Edge Sig 1.1 SE preamp last summer and their new location is outside Detroit I believe. The original founders have sold but they are very much in business and can service all Edge equipment. They were extremely... 
PreAmp recomendation please...
You might want to consider and Allnic L 3000 particularly if you can find a used model as I did. I have the same issues with the BAT gear-I run all single ended. I have some experience with both BAT and CJ and prefer the quality of the Allnic soun... 
WOW, they are important, but in what order?
My apologies. Should review comments first. Meant to say new interconnect was for phonostage. Have been slowly replacing Tyr/Brahma. I will start looking for one more powercord this summer that will go on the preamp. 
Nordost Valhalla Power Cords
I have one Brahma left to replace and can't wait. Purchased a Valhalla interconnect last week for very good price and is being reterminated to RCA. That will completed the interconnect upgrade. Still running Valkyrie speaker cable which will be th...