
Responses from fossda

WOW, they are important, but in what order?
Great story. I spent a long time bringing samples home owned Chord signature, Analysis Plus Silver oval etc before deciding on Nordost. Started with some SPM and then Valkyrie to Tyr 1. Have almost finished the complete upgrade to Valhalla. You ha... 
New Clearaudio Concept Owner. Looking for Cart?
At that price you might want to consider a MM-one of 2 options: Ortofon 2M Black or Clearudio Arum Wood. Both excellent an may outperform similar priced MC. Buddy has a new 2M on his Concept and he loves it running through phonstage on McIntosh in... 
Allnic L3000 need help with tubes
I have an 4000 updated to L3000 as well and love it.Also picked up the H3000 phonostage. Get the tube puller if you have not already. Have not had to use it yet and am a little nervous. Maybe I misunderstood but the meter should be within the smal... 
Allnic L3000A
I picked up an Allnic L3000 pre this summer. I have an Edge 12.1 ss amp and have always enjoyed the mix of tube pre and ss muscle. I also have an Edge sig 1.1s.e pre and feel the Allnic is every bit as good if not better sounding when mated to the... 
BAT Thoughts.....
Love the BAT product. 52SE a great preamp and excellent for the money. Friend was running the REX for a while but his room is quite small and I think he found the heat an issue. Plus he changes gear frquently. Really like the sound and benefits of... 
Amplification to B&W 800 Diamond
I am running a pair of 800D model and agree these speakers like power and this really helps with the control and overall sound. I understand your model is not as fussy about this (particularly with regard to load). I am driving mine with an Edge N... 
VR-5 Anniversary VS Sasha
I use to own a pair of VR5 HSE and loved them. Have a friend currently running a pair of the Sasha's and I am familiar with the VR 5 model and it certainly competes if not betters the Wilson product as goods as it is. I looked seriously at the VR ... 
To upgrade from simaudio 3.3i to 600i or not?
There was definitely a tube presence going to the Allnic from the Moon solid state phonostage but I am finding that a good tube design is not compromising the positive features I find with solid state-it just seems to add to it with a greater body... 
To upgrade from simaudio 3.3i to 600i or not?
I so agree with the prev message.Unless you can notice an improvement in sound quality its probably not worth the upgrade. Changes in cables/isolation can demonstrate sig improvements. I am running Nordost cables-mostly Valhalla which I love but p... 
Tall Tower Speakers for $10-14k
I have 2 friends who have recenty purchased the new B&W 802's and if you look carefully at the market its hard to find a product that will give you the quality bass,cabinet you asked for with a diamond HF unit. A very highly regarded speaker t... 
B&W 805D2 or Magico Q1?
both great speakers but you are comparing apples and oranges. That being said a great review article would be the new mini monitors b&w 805, focal diable, raidho c1.1, magico q1, As good as the B&W is (i own 800D) the magico cabinet and dr... 
Suggested Stands for B&W 805 Diamonds
As mentioned above you have invested in a great high quality pair of speakers and the proper stands are key to the speaker performance. The review of the new diamonds clearly stated the benefit of the matching stands. In addition this is an attrac... 
Driving YG Carmel's
great results using the new devialet unit on the market which blends class a and d about 240 watts (used at a number of the recent audio shows). I have also had great results mixing quality solid state amp with good tubed pre. The real key with an... 
Amp/Preamp combo for Wilson Sophia 3's
I think you would be happier with a solid state amp. Buddy has an Allnic tubed 50w class A monoblocks driving his Wilson Sasha's and the sound is simply fantastic. I have found the Edge product to sound great and comparable to other previously sug... 
To upgrade from simaudio 3.3i to 600i or not?
glad to hear you made the upgrade and am not surprised you have noticed an improvement with your great speakers. You should really consider the 600 as equal in quality and peformance to separates in a great looking package. I really lusted after t...