
Responses from gorquin

Sleeper Vintage Tube Gear?
Thanks for the responses guys, I accidentally hit the posting twice because I had a glitch and it looked like nothing happened. 
Sleeper Vintage Tube Gear?
Thanks Rodge827. What I guess also I'm looking for are suggestion of "what" to turn it into once I purchase and amp, preamp, or integrated amp. 
Rip LP's to Digital
Yes there are opinions on both sides of the fence on this.Some say ripping an LP to software allows one to eliminate pops, clicks, hum and preserve dynamics not heard on a CD because of compression etc. while others say a remastered CD of old mate... 
Rip LP's to Digital
Thanks for your responses. The simple route I know. I'd like to use software because I do have some older material that I'd like to digitize and take the pops and clicks out of. It was suggested to me that an E-Mu 0404 or 1212m both would do a nic... 
Rip LP's to Digital
It's not an expensive system.Kenwood M1 Amp, Kenwood C1 Preamp, Kenwood KD550 TT w/Lynn Basic Arm - needs new cartridge, Pair Dayton Wright LCM-1 speakers.I'm wondering if doing cap and other component upgrades to the M1 and C1 (as I've seen on li...