
Responses from gregfisk

Anyone still use iPod for music storage anymore?
I have the Wadia 170i and the Pure i20 and can't here a difference and the Pure i20 in under $100.00. There is also a new Teac doc out similar to the i20 but it looks a lot nicer. It's similar in looks to the Wadia but is only $150.00 http://www.a... 
Anyone still use iPod for music storage anymore?
I have a second system in a small beach house. I use a classic ipod 160 with music in apple lossless. The key IMO is to get an ipod doc like the Pure i20 which has its own dac and bypasses the dac in the ipod. Or you could use the digital output f... 
Tube DAC, be gentle first time
I also recommend the MHDT Havana, this is a very good dac and with the right tube can really sing. Another Dac that I could recommend is the Eastern Electric Minimax Dac for around $500.00 or the Plus for around $800.00. It has the ability to swit... 
The title is:"There's No Such Thing As Digital..."
Instersting read, all I know is I won't be going back to CDs as my Mac Mini has never sounded better. My Evo clock made a noticable difference to the sound. I'm still not sure what jitter sounds like, but I know I like less of it! 
Any Audirvana Plus enthusiasts out there?
I too recently downloaded the latest version and wow does it soung good. Best digital I have heard to date. I waited for a two or three versions before upgrading and the difference was amazing. Can't wait for the next one! 
itunes/ext hard drive integration
If you go into itunes set up you can point the music files to your external hard drive. Then every time you load a CD it will copy to your external hard drive and not to your laptop. As far as the music that is on your laptop, just drag and drop i... 
How to remove harshness from my digital gear
I had a lot of digital glare in my system, I did two things. I bought a tube preamp and a Havana tube dac. Both of these made a huge difference in my system. 
after TT upgrade, digital sounds like crap- help
Maybe I'm missing something, but if you don't own a single CD, how are you ripping your music? If you don't rip your music in a lossless format you will not get near the resolution your mac mini can achieve. Also, jitter is a big deal but if you d... 
Novice needs Mac Mini and DAC advice
Devilboy, I have been listening to the Octave for several weeks now and I am really impressed! Two weeks ago I bought the clock for my Evo and all I can say is WOW! I did not think it would make much difference, but man was I wrong. My system has ... 
iPod headphone to RCA jacks adapter cable
I have recommended the i20 to several friends, audiophiles or not and they have all worked fine. The dac in the i20 is much better than the one in your ipod and you can use it with a better dac and get very good results. Just remember you have to ... 
Looking for DAC to improve sound quality from iPod
The pure i20 doc has a dac built into it that is much better than the one in your ipod. It also allows for you to use the digital output of your ipod for an external dac. This little gem costs about $100.00 and I can't here a difference from it an... 
Which USB to S/PDIF converter with Metrum Octave?
Lewinskih01, In the FWIW category I just purchased the EVO Clock to go with my Evo converter and the improvement is really noticable. I'm also running the converter off of battery and the clock off of an after market linear PS with great results. ... 
Chinese DACs
The MHDT is a very good dac, and you can't beat the used price they are selling for. 
Upgrade Help: CDP or DAC
FWIW, my second system that's at my beach house is a Cronus Magnum and I am now running my Havana with it and it sounds really good! 
Upgrade Help: CDP or DAC
I would move as others have stated to a new DAC. If your system is on the bright side two DACS in your price range come to mind. For a great tube DAC in your price range a used Havana is very warm and musical sounding and can be fine tuned with di...