
Responses from gregfisk

Which speakers to get for a Very Large Room.
Thank you Marakanetz, I will look into them. I have not done so before.Sounds real audio, I live in Seattle and there are not many places to go. The typical box store like Magnolia HiFi, (now Magnolia audio video) Which started here and Difinitive... 
Which speakers to get for a Very Large Room.
Mitch2, I think this time around I would like to try something besides the Ariel line of speakers. I would be interested in any suggestions for horn speakers somewhere in my price range. I would also like more suggestions for good full range speak... 
Which speakers to get for a Very Large Room.
sounds_real_audio. I do have to set them up on the short wall and you are correct in the spacing. I have no problem going with a sub if needed. Any suggestions on speakers with the above mentioned 8" woofers?Greg 
Which speakers to get for a Very Large Room.
I will look into the speakers mentioned. Would the VR5s and the Dunlavys be room filling enough? I'm also wondering how well a horn speaker would do in a lively room. I havn't listened to them much at all and worry about top end harshness in my sp... 
Which speakers to get for a Very Large Room.
Hi Guys, Sorry about the typo, of course it's bass. It was a tough day yesterday and I may have had one too many glasses of wine last night before starting this thread.I should add a couple of things to my original post. My budget is around $4500 ... 
How to tame brightness
I agree with the post from Duke as well. I have a pair of Aerial 7Bs and was having the same problem with too much brightness. I tilted my speakers back at first by just putting a couple of 1" wood blocks under the front feet of my speakers. This ... 
Comparison between MHDT Havana and iDecco or Nova
Csim123,I currently own both the Havana and The DLIII with mod 3. I purchased the Havana because in my system the PSIII was just too bright for my liking. It is however very accurate and revealing and has a lot of detail. I believe it to be a very... 
Slate under speakers?
This is a very interesting thread as I spent last weekend doing a similar project. I too was trying to raise my speakers up a bit to suit there location. I took 1-1/8th MDF I had left over from when I built my house, I spray painted it black and i... 
Moby concert and ear damage?
Hey Jax2, I like the Moore a lot and the Zoo is a great place to see a show. The zoo used to be really stricked about the drinking, but they seem to be better now. I've only been to the Gorge once myself also. I saw Steely Dan on there first tour ... 
Moby concert and ear damage?
Jax2, I too live in Seattle and stopped going to indoor concerts years ago. I did just see David Grey at the Paramount. Great show but way too loud. That place can sound great if the mixing guy is good. I just can't take the loud and distorted mus... 
How to fix my detailed, accurate but BRIGHT system
Thank you for your posts. I will try to find some time to post some pics of my room. I think you will then see why I can't do treatments. I have tried a couple of experiments that have taught me alot about what sound I am looking for. First of all... 
How to fix my detailed, accurate but BRIGHT system
Shadorne, I did read your post and have thought of that option before. I am limited with space in my rack and was trying to avoid adding another componant. I'm sure a peq would allow me to change the sound to my liking.Thanks, 
How to fix my detailed, accurate but BRIGHT system
Sdrenslow, I do have a large room. This room incorporates my living room, dining room, kitchen and loft above the kitchen. The ceiling is 17'.3" tall and flat, so this adds even more volume to the space. Not only that, the entry and the hallway ar... 
How to fix my detailed, accurate but BRIGHT system
Thanks Soix, It sounds like from many here that I should try cables as a possible improvement to my system. I'm always willing to keep an open mind. The lesson can't be learned without trying. I am a true believer in that. I tell my Daughter that ... 
How to fix my detailed, accurate but BRIGHT system
Again, thank you for all your input and your time doing it. Blindjim, The situation with me and my gear is this. Several months ago, maybe 6, I decided to get back into the hobby. I had an old NAD preamp tuner and a cheap audiosource amp3. I still...