
Responses from guidocorona

My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Hello Wcss, my own experience with one of the REF10's predecessors, the REF3, is that the 6550 in the power supply, regardless of brand, needed to be replaced every 1K hours or so.... At least on REF3, ARC drove the rectifier very hard, and after ... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
I have not heard KII Audio speakers yet, but they are apparently very good stuff... KII was cofounded by Bruno Putzeys, the creator/designer of NCore power conversion modules.... Bruno is also the lead designer of the KII speakers. Like with all c... 
The Future of Audio Amplification
Hello Bo1972, you made your point abundantly and eloquently.... We get it... No need to beat a dead horse. Please rest your case... Or start your own thread.Regards, G. 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Hello Viber, an evaluation of Merrill Element 114 would make for a really interesting project... Would not be a shootout, though... I much prefer discussing merits of components in their own right, rather than pitting one against the other. I pref... 
The Future of Audio Amplification
Hello 213, I am completely with you on the subject of class A and A/B ill-conceived conjectures of their imminent demise... There are amazingly wonderful amplifiers from all classes and topologies.While I remain an unapologetic fan of the Rowland ... 
The Future of Audio Amplification
Thank you 213runnin for that delightful bit of purple prose. I should like to counter with my favorite -- if admittedly pessimistic -- quote from our own Rodman99999...   "Just don't fall into the category of those whose minds, like concrete, are ... 
The Future of Audio Amplification
Hello @uberwaltz, according to the verbal reports I have heard from earwitnesses at shows, Daemon sounds like those aforementioned dreams as well *Grins!*G. 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Hello @Viber6, glad you liked the lovely Mola Mola Kaluga, so did I, when I heard it extensively at RMAF, listening to much the same repertoire as you would. I also agree that at $16K for the mono pair, Kaluga might be a relatively stiff proposi... 
The Future of Audio Amplification
Ah yes, the Rowland Daemon superintegrated.... Hope to have the opportunity of having one in my system some day and scribble about it... Meantime, for some info on Daemon, here is its page:, G.  
The Future of Audio Amplification
Hello @pokey77... Yep, looks like I have missed this happily brawling "class struggle" all together *Grins!*   Or perhaps this a "religious" argument?! Like in.... How many comparators can dance on the head of a pin?   Or is this the eternal fairy... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Hello MrD.... No, you are not launching torpedos.... yours are more like signal flairs, meant to point things out.... Yet, our friend WC is the ultimate explorer, as I pointed out several weeks ago.... His quest is not that to discover that idylli... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
WC, your manifestation of audiophilia nervosa may be  little different from mine -- Actually we might be at opposite but equally frantic ends of our shared obsession.... Yet, our Nirvanas are equal sources of great joy to us.... Continue on your p... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Hello Thezacks, in my system, cables seemed to break in a little faster than components... Typically breakin time has ranged from 350 hours to about 600 hours.Would be nice if cable manufacturers were able to break-in their cables before shipping.... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Wc, BigDDesign, and all, I am glad to take the minority view.... Unfortunately, I can only talk about my own ears, what they have told me since I have being involved in music.Whether its audio gear, pianos, cellos, bows, or steel strings for cello... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Hello WC, my guess that after 3 to 5 days, the Sigmas won't sink.... May be not swimming powerfully either, but they will be happily paddling through musical waters.As for manufacturers, unfortunately they do not have the financial bandwidth to af...