
Responses from heyanming

W4S DAC1/STI-500 vs DAC2/ST-500
Thanks, Tubeking. That helps. 
Bel Canto Dac 3 or Wyred 4sound Dac2
I am interested too. 
McIntosh MC501 vs Wyred SX1000
I am curious too. 
Bel Canto Ref 1000MK2 or Wyred SX1000MK2
Let's go back to the comparison between Bel Canto and Wyred 4 Sound. 
Has anybody heard the new Mcintosh MC302/MC452?
MC402 on Ebay was around $3500. 
First tube integrated amp
I use PSB synchrony One speakers and listen to classical music. 
First tube integrated amp
Would there be huge difference between a $1000 and $2000 or $3000 tube amp? 
First tube integrated amp
Less than $3000. 
Anyone listened to PSB Synchrony Ones?
I owned them. They are neutral, accurate, dynamic, smooth and no listening fatigue. I have owned a lots of speakers at the same price level but none of them is better than the Synchrony One. They definitely deserve Class A rating. 
Seeking a "high end" integrated amplifier
Mark, where did you audition the Luxman? I am in Toronto area too. 
Speakers for Luxman L 505 u
Kiza, how is your feeling about the L-505u compared with your previous Plinius 9100? 
Plinius 9100 vs Luxman L-505U
Interesting. Based on my experience, Plinius 9100 was better than some amps I have owned, including Musical Fidelity A308 pre-amp and amp, Marantz PM-11S1, YBA DT. 9100 sounds natural, organic, which I like. 
looking for circa $5k full range towers
Second to PSB Synchrony One. I think it deserves the Class A rating. Very neutral and smooth. Solid bass. The best speakers I have owned (owned ProAC, Spendor, Sonus Faber, Vienna Acoustics, Dynaudio, Opera, JM Labs, Thiel before). 
Most musical integrated amp you have heard?
Smholl, can you provide more details about the comparision between the naim nait xs and the mcintosh c42/mc252? The mcintosh gears are much more expensive than the nait xs. 
Most musical integrated amp you have heard?
My vote goes to Naim (especially vocal) and Plinius.