
Responses from heyanming

"Tube Like" SS Integrated Amps
Naim integrated. 
Advice on a nice integrated is needed
"ultrabright, detailed, etched, solid state sound"Wow, this is my first time hearing such words describing Plinius. The most frequently used words for 9100/9200 are always "tube like". 
Advice on a nice integrated is needed
Heard MA7000 once with Spendor speakers, very disappointed. 
Advice on a nice integrated is needed
I would recommend Plinius 9100/9200. They sound very musical and make you feel like in the music hall. Have not heard the Luxman, but reviews say it is one of the best. 
Vienna Beethoven, Spendor 8SE, Adagio or VS VR4jr
I have owned Beethoven before. Yes, Beethoven is musical and sounds rich and full, but compared with PSB Synchrony one, which I currently own, PSB is obvious the winner. Stereophile rated Synchrony One Class A -- I think they are correct. Synchron... 
Levinson no. 383 compared to others?
Marantz vs Mcintosh
I did audition the 6300 and 6600 in store. I agree that 6300 has better impact and 6600 offers fuller sound. The salesman advised that the 6600 was very very similar to the older 6900. 
Marantz vs Mcintosh
My current system sounds very good (with Opera Quinta speakers). I am just wondering if Mcintosh amps would make the music sound more real. 
Sonus Faber and Haydn Grand
I have owned Vienna Acoustics Mozart and Sonus Faber Sigma before but Opera Quita is my current one. IMHO, Vienna Acoustics are smoother and warmer than Sonus Faber, the Opera are between those two. All three make very musical speakers, you cannot... 
sonus faber, vienna acoustics, proac
Thanks guys for your advice. But so far, nobody mentioned ProAc. Is ProAc not a candidate for my taste?