
Responses from hifirush

Three transport choices, which one?
Good choices and hard decisions!!! I have had a DSP 7000 with a T1000 and the Theta. The Theta beat it hands down, better bass (apparantly the Theta trademark) and depth. The T1000 was good and imagining was very good, for what I had as a system, ... 
New to tubes
I'll second the Tube pre and SS amp! (AR LS2B Mk2 and 3 Threshold S-300's!) As far as tubes are concerned, have some fun. Each tube will have a different sound and it is kind of fun fooling around with them. I agree with Marco, find someone with a... 
Bi-wiring or Single-wiring + Jumper replacement ?
Before I took the active crossover plunge I tried different ways to wire my system. I didn't and still don't have as nice of cable as you, but it works for me. But what is telling is to try different things. I have Celestion A1's, which are bi-wir... 
Threshold S/300 info.requested
David, I have 1 S300 and 2 S300 series 2. Both have basically the same specs. The amps run at 12 amps continuous with peak being 30 amps; this is straight from the Threshold brochure and manual. They say that it was "burned-in" to a 2-ohm load (fo... 
Alot of preamp questions
Kelly,I have owned an LS3, LS7 and now a LS2BR. If you like the LS3, you will LOVE the LS2. It is a long story, but I sold the LS3 to buy the LS7. I was absolutely in love with the tube sound. To me, and for my system, the ARC tube line stage soun... 
Shipper is responsible for insurance:Discussion
Jax2, I agree with you 100%! Perhaps all this "Letter of the Law" talk is confusing, it is to me. If the carrier, (UPS, FedEx etc.) is at fault, due to abuse, they will pay up. If the shipper (the seller) is at fault, by lack of proper packaging, ... 
Shipper is responsible for insurance:Discussion
I used to work for a large trucking company, and I can tell you, things get damaged in transit. This is why buyers want insurance and the shipper should also want insurance on any item they ship. Our company had it's own insurance, or I should say... 
Ive got me the Digital Nasties
I have applied Dynamat on the inside of my transport (sparingly, a little goes a long way) and have used Blu-Tak on the "Bridge" of the drive and on the drawer. This gave noticeable improvement. But what was my best tweak, and seemed like an upgra... 
What tube pre amp for live sound on rock and roll
I have to agree with the others about the Audio Research preamps. I have owned the LS3, LS7 and now have a LS2B. The LS3 was a GREAT preamp, but for fun (Famous last words!!!) I tried a friends LS7 and I ended up buying one for myself. It uses 4 6... 
Pass X-150
While I don't have a new Pass amp, I do have 2 older Threshold S series. They had pathetic binding posts. They don't accept Banana's, as you mentioned, and the posts are quite thin. I have replaced them with Cardas copper binding posts and am quit... 
Anyone using a Marchand crossover???
I am currently using a XM9 Deluxe 2 way, and am very pleased with it. Like the others have mentioned, it isn't a cost no object model, but it offers many features and quiet performance for the dollar. I have found it to be PC sensitive in stock fo... 
Which NOS to use on Audio Research pre amp?
I had a LS7, which is not even in the league your Reference One is, but I have rolled some tubes with various results. I have tried the factory-supplied tubes, with dampers, Amperex PQ’s and Amperex Bugle Boy’s. The factory tubes were OK, the soun... 
My question is about bi or triamping.
Doc,I have a Marchand XM-9 Deluxe and am very pleased with it and active systems. The quality of the parts is fantastic, although they aren't much to look at. They offer 2,3 and 4 way, both fixed and adjustable, in both tube and ss. Sean is quite ... 
Audio Research LS-7 or conrad-johnson PF-2L?
I would agree, the LS7 is a wonderful pre, especially for the money, however, I have not compared them. I currently have a LS7, which was my first tube pre and I love it. It has 4 tubes, so it isn't to expensive to roll tubes, but I can say that y... 
Seeking Great Cool Runnin' SS Amp...
I agree with Bozo, the older Thresholds do run cool and are an excellent value. There are a couple on Ebay as well as here on A'gon. I have a S300II and a S150II and couldn't be more happy with them. The 300's run around $750-1100 and the 150 goes...