
Responses from ibog1

McIntosh MC352 or MC402?
Donwass65,The MC402 outclasses every piece of associated gear you listed. It is considered by many to be a reference amp. I would only buy it if you plan on upgrading your current equipment to the level of the 402. You will NEVER hear what that am... 
High end Audio for ladies? Check this out
Soniqmike,Are you showing this thread to the wife with the hopes of gaining favor for the impending large audio purchase:)? Or have you really convinced yourself that trying to demasculinize the ownership of audio gear is a worthwile endevour? I k... 
High end Audio for ladies? Check this out
Nothing like a battle of the sexes to polarize a group of people. So now are we going to see a website by women for women to show how to make the family car more easily blend with the garage decor? Oh waite, I know, how to accessorize your lawn mo... 
Anyone hear technics tt and vpi scoutmaster/Aries?
Could'nt agree with you more Tvad. He indeed does have a system worth the effort and expense. I say if you want a VPI, then buy a used HRX and be done with it. You can sell it for not much of a loss later if it is not for you. 
Amplifier recs for Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M?
4music,I am running the c2300. A top notch very versatile pre with a fanatastic tubed MC/MM phono stage. Also has a HT pass thru. I can't say enough about this pre. The pre, amp, speaker combo is pretty much end game save for the "upgrade bug" thi... 
Amplifier recs for Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M?
Hello,I am currently using a Mcintosh MC402 and a MC275 on my Cremona M floorstanders with very nice results. The biggest thing that comes to mind about the sound is how smooth things are. One of my listening buddies totaly concurs. I swap out the... 
Tightening loudspeakers screws...
I am in the same line of thinking as Jeff. In addition to removing the baffles, I would also like to see the crossovers pulled from the cabinets or boxes to inspect them. My grandfather always said, "If you want to know how a good speaker is made ... 
Sonus Faber Cremona in a small room?
Hi Taboooe,I have the new Cramona M's in my room that is about 20 feet wide by 16 feet deep. I sit on the long wall facing the other long wall. My speakers are about 12 feet from my ears. They do not seem to load up the room at all. Nice bass inte... 
the cheapest amp to drive watt/puppy 7
Of those listed, I would do the AR VS 55i. Should be a nice match. 
Setting Up a Michell Tecnodec..Vancouver BC
I had one, just follow the instructions, they are very simple and laid out well. The overhang gauge works well and is accurate. The counterweight set-up was also very accurate, I measured it against an actual digital scale and it was right on. Set... 
Best amp for Sonus Faber Cremona M - need help
Yeah,Go with the Musical Fidelity. Best of both worlds and it is available in your country. Maybe the KW 500. Or a lightly used Tri or Nu Vista. 
Best amp for Sonus Faber Cremona M - need help
Hulskof,I like the idea of Musical Fidelity. Nice stuff and has a warmer sound. Why not have a Mac piece shipped to you? The way the dollar has tanked now, geesh, might be a good way to go. My dealer is L&M Custom Home Electronics and I know h... 
Best amp for Sonus Faber Cremona M - need help
Hulskof,I have both the Mcintosh MC402 and the MC275. The 402 is solid state and the 275 is tubed. They both exhibit a strong grasp on the Cremona M's. I also have the new Cremona M's in Graphite. Both of these amps seem to mate will with these sp... 
Deciding on a phono preamp
I would stronlgy suggest the Dynavector P75, either the older mark 1 or the newer one. I had the older version and it is a bargain as far as sound and adjustability. I think they sell for about $400.00 for the older one. They are very well built a... 
Achieving a speakers max potential
Yes power makes a difference. The more power, the more the entire system will play with a sense of ease. A sense of ease is hard to define but you will know it when you hear it. Music just seems to flow from the speakers, loud passages will jump f...