
Responses from jeffloistarca

BAT or Sonic Frontiers w/ Martin Logans?
I'm using an Audio Research SP14 preamp with (2) Classe DR8 amps, makes the Quests sing real nice... 
AC Conditioners?
I've taken flack for my opinion on power conditioners in the past, but what the hell, here I go again. There's no doubt the quality coming out of the wall is garbage, no need for debate there. One of the distinguishing feaures of most high end gea... 
Audio refinement complete amp.
I'm in complete agreement, I own two Completes. In a modest (sub $5k) system, you likely won't find better 
Speaker brackets, Turntable shelf
Found a solution for both dilemmas. Stumbled across a used Target TT shelf, got that all set. As for the speaker brackets, went to the hardware store and wandered the aisles til I came up with a simple bracket that works. I'm using one of those ci... 
Is Oracle a copycat of Win Lab TT ?
I doubt is, Oracle has been around for a long long time. Granted they have gone through some owership changes in the past. Oracle is a customer of mine and I know Jacques Riendeau reasonably well, I'm pretty certain the original Delphi design was ... 
B&W 302, Paradigm Titans, or PSB Alpha's
oh, if you do buy B&W's, register them on the B&W website, they send you a really nice B&W keychain. I know, sounds lame, but it really is nice JL 
Add a DAC or buy a new CD player?
I'd pick up a used Sonic Frontiers TranDac, I got one for $100. Then, go tubes in the pre 
Best Sounding Portable CD Players???
The Panasonic works well with my Headroom amp and Senn 600's 
directional cable?
Some cables like MIT have rectangular boxes built into them, evidently for resistance matching or some other unspoken reasons. Makes sense that these things are directional. Other than that, there is no logical explanation for why a wire would sou... 
B&W 302, Paradigm Titans, or PSB Alpha's
DM302's are the best value in audio today. I'm using them in a garage system with a NAD7250PE receiver and have also used them with a NAD712, NADL40 receivers, and Audio Refinement Complete integrated (I own six stereo systems, my main rig and the... 
HT Gear solved, thanks all who helped!
From the Gallo website: "Option 2: Connect center and rear surround channels directly to the receiver and set to small enclosure. Connect the front channels (left and right) to our M1 passive subwoofer and connect the passive subwoofer to the rece... 
HT Gear solved, thanks all who helped! This link describes how to hook up the sub. Hope there's no "gotchas" 
B&O, overpriced artistic piece of audio?
B&O, in my experience, are extremely overpriced and have questionable reliability. Yeah, the stuff looks cool alright, but in my mind are simply European-styled Bose. IMHO, you'd take quite a step down changing your current gear for B&0. I... 
Cheap Tweak?
I'm at a loss to understand why your wife would be involved in your choice of contact cleaner. Perhap I'm one of the fortunate ones, but my wife could care a less what I do with my various audio systems. Probably has a lot to do with ignoring her ... 
Records Everywhere - Help!
I like the look of vinyl strewn everywhere, I find it has a calming effect. Wife disagrees though...