
Responses from jeffreyds

Anybody tube rolled 845's?
Another vote for 845Bs. I use them in a pair of Cary 805Cs. I've only compared them to the other Chinese 845s (845A and 845C). To me, they are richer, fuller, and more musical than the standard Chinese 845s. Depending on the rest of your system, y... 
What equipment or event thrust you into the hobby?
A pair of B&W Matrix 805's being driven by an Anthem Integrated 1 at a local hi-fi shop. It was the first time I had ever heard a tube amp. I was amazed that I had found something that sounded even better than my Bose 901s driven by my Marantz... 
Looking for a warm budget monitors???
Used Sonus Faber Concerto or Concertino.Jeff 
Getting off the merry-go-round – AFRAID TO???
Dilly,Good post! Sounds like you need to start a 3rd system. Maybe it is time for a system built around electrostatic or planar speakers.Jeff 
Zu Druid questions
Jack,To answer one of your questions, the Druids sound nothing like Klipsch. They are very, very different. I have owned the Druids, extensively auditioned the 6381's, and currently own a pair of vintage Cornwalls in a 2nd system. Nutella is absol... 
Best sounding CD Player for $3K or less used?
With regards to the Wadia players, you should also be able to get an 850 for under $3k. I'm not sure how much of an upgrade this is to the 301, 302, & 830.Jeff 
Life after Maggies?
I am using Gallo Ref 3s in a room not much bigger than yours. You might want to put them on your list.Jeff 
Shuguang 845B vs Shuguang 845M
Dopogue,That's funny, indeed. What's your other associated equipment? I use a Wadia 850 directly into the Carys. Additionally, I use DiMarzio M-Path and Super M-Path cabling (also warm sounding). I wonder if the difference could be that I run the ... 
Shuguang 845B vs Shuguang 845M
Warren,To my ears, there is no clear-cut best, but the two tubes have very different flavors. Which to use is highly system dependent.I use a pair of Cary 805Cs. In those amps, the 845M offers more detail, sounds a little leaner, and has slightly ... 
Quad ESL 57 Question
I had a pair of Quad ESL 63s that I used with a Fisher 400 receiver. The combination worked fine. No lack of power. The sound was very warm, and the bass was not as tight as with more modern tube amps. Overall, very nice.Jeff 
300b vs 845
Isn't the Valve Art 845 just a rebranded Shuguang? The dealer told me this when I bought my 845Bs. I am curious because I may buy a spare set of 845Bs in the near future, and I want to make sure that I get the Valve Arts if they are different from... 
What dynamic spkr. did you go to from electrostat?
Denf,Nothing I've ever heard matches ESL-63s in the midrange. Every speaker has tradeoffs, and I thought that what I gained by going with the Gallos (bass, volume, and dynamics) made up for the slight loss of midrange magic. If you audition the Ga... 
What dynamic spkr. did you go to from electrostat?
I went from Quad ESL-63s to Gallo Reference 3s about 2 years ago. I liked the Ref 3s because I thought they offered a very ML-type sound in a more reasonably sized package. I loved the Quads and used them for many years, but they restricted my mus... 
Review: Zu Cable Druid Speaker
GH,MBA from University of Michigan. How about you? Where did you have your run in with Strunk and White?Jeff 
Review: Zu Cable Druid Speaker
So, Zaikesman...You don't like my apostrophe abuse, huh? Guess I should have brushed up on my Strunk and White before writing.Seriously, though, thank you for your kind words regarding the review. I put a lot of work into the review, and comments ...