
Responses from jetrexpro

Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Yes it sounds like you are on the journey Grannyring. They went dull and flat several times on me. At 150 they opened up and then shut down again. Let's see if the same hold true for you. the brittleness comes and goes. Hopefully it goes away perm... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Grannyring keep us posted on the break in. I am courious if it will be similar to mine. At around 250 hours I am still hearing subtle changes day to day. Last night the upper mids sounded a bit harsh and aggressive and tonight these interconnects ... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
This coming weekend we are having the owner of the Kondo ICs over for some listening and barbecue. He and his wife are coming. We are going to blindly listen to all three interconnects. Belden, WE16ga and Kondo silver and see which they prefer. He... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
I wanted to end this fine 3 day holiday on an up note by saying how beautiful these Western Electric 16ga interconnects are sounding tonight. After spending over two weeks with them and listening to them evolve they are truly sounding stunningly e... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Wow I take my wife down to Coney Island for an afternoon stroll on the beach and some clams and this thread devolves into a bunch of defensive posts that takes up a bunch of guys time to write. I just hope you guys were enjoying some good music wh... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
I didn't notice break-in very much with the Western electric speaker cables but it was a much different case with the Western electric interconnects. Same wire different application don't understand it, doesn't really matter, but that's how it was. 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Salectric you mention they became "very warm in the lower mids and bass and rather dark and closed in on top" This is pretty much how I heard the WE16ga Interconnects sound during the 2 or 3 times they shut down. Finally yesterday afternoon I hear... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Salectric, No I have not seen that post in AA. Glad you bought some extra just-in-case. If you end up not liking it you'll be able to sell it. Given the way you described your rig yesterday I think you will end up liking it.I have heard good and b... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Salectric, I have some 22guage solid core WE cable coming from the ebay seller tajacobs but no I have considered a finer gauge WE stranded wire and am not sure if tajacobs even sells any. About a week ago when buying the 22g solid core I also boug... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
To recap the break in time of my WE 16g ICs-At about 150 hours they turned the first corner and became open and very expressive. At about 175 they turned brittle and shortly after shut totally down. At sometime well after 200 hours they have opene... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Grannyring I agree with you about the WE ICs vs Belden. The synergy between WE/WE...yes. This musical light I mentioned seems to open up the sound in a VERY SPECIAL way. In my rig and to my ears Belden is missing this light. Heck most any cables a... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
The WE16ga interconnects that I built have well over 200 hours and have finally turned the corner and are sounding full of musical color warmth and life just as they did a week ago. The mids are once again fully expressed as is the bass and at the... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Oops I meant four Switchcraft 3502AAU RCA plugs 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
I'm with Charles -Yes Rob enjoy. Sounds like a blast! Grannyring, I ordered four Belden 3502AAU gold/nickel RCA plugs last night. Agreed wish we could do away with all connectors.Agree with Salectric - will be patient and enjoy the journey! 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
to expand a bit on Charles' point and to relate my point of view - My system -300b tubes 6C6 driver tubes, Audio Note Transformers and Audio Note Speakers is all about rich tonal musicality. This amp is a classic Western Electric 91a which is a to...