
Responses from jfd11

This is juvenile...
Dusty Springfield 
How do you store and catalog your vinyl?
I use a program called Music Collector that can be found at Collectorz.com. I actually enjoyed doing the catalog work. As simple or as complicated as you want it to be. 
Another Speaker Recommendation Request
With George Liu closing Audio Visions South you probably know that Sweet Home Audio in Clearwater is your best (close) bet for auditioning anything worthwhile. Brian is very knowledgeable and has a decent inventory to choose from.  
Standing Still or Moving Up?
That helps a great deal Mahler123, especially about being able to bypass the Node's DAC. Much appreciated. 
Considering the New Tekton Design Encores? AND Owners Group - Experiences/Questions
This is all starting to make me crazy(ER?). When I purchased my Pendragons a couple of years ago I could not believe how good they were. Now Tekton has gone WAY past them in design. Also, when the DI was released it was so close in price to the Pe... 
insurance and shipping with UPS
ebeneezerfeeblegeezer  has it right in his assessment. I quit using UPS years ago when I watched a driver getting off his truck in front of my house drop a tube amp on the step of that truck. He looks up and sees me in the window and says nothin... 
I like Steve Guttenberg.
These videos seem like an honest attempt to express his opinion. He slanders no one. Don't like, don't watch, simple. BTW does it seem to you the hair part of this thread is just ludicrous?  
John Prine
I have a bunch of Iris's music and have listened to it quite a bit over the years. Finally got a chance to see her in concert a few years ago and was really disappointed. I do not have any way of knowing but she sounded and acted absolutely sloshe... 
Radio personalities
Art Roberts, WLSTommy Shannon, Buffalo 
Tekton Speakers,Who owns them and what did you replace and why.
I like many others have been trading speakers for a long time (40+ years). I decided to give the Pendragons a whirl. Well, they are still whirling. I have been enjoying them for well over a year now. It is difficult to compare these to all of the ... 
Silly prices for Nordost cables
So, ebm...I need a roof on my house and was quoted $15,000. Want to save a little money on that power cord you can afford? Just kidding. Signed, Broke in Florida. 
I Hate That Song..Turn It Up!
It happened again this morning. Driving to get my morning cup, and IT came on the radio....I was powerless...TURN IT UP!!! 7:30 AM and I've got Boston blasting. I Love it!!! So weak. 
How Is MQA Fareing?
PS Audio just joined in. That has to say something. I respect Paul McGowan very much for what he has seen and done for the "high end".  
Lesser known 2 way bookshelf Speakers from the 80's
Sequerra Pyramid Model 7. Still have them still, use them. 
What have I missed in the last 12 years?
Be prepared for sticker shock. Sorry but that is a fact these days. Good luck.