
Responses from jfd11

Audioengine A5+ OR Adam Artist5 ???
Just put the A5+ on my desktop this past week. Replaces the A2. More than pleased at the performance. As a computer desktop it is alive, clear, and full-bodied. While I do listen to music from this computer most of my "critical" listening is done ... 
William Z Johnson RIP
I bought my first ARC unit @1978. As the years have passed and even more gear has passed through, I have found that I always seem to return to Audio Research for my music. I never met the man but I did know him by his work. Thank you Mr. Johnson. 
Reference 3A Grand Veena
Ladok, thanks. I have changed taps. First thing I thought of. Goatwuss,thanks as well. This is a possibility. I will let you know. 
Does anyone "throw away" Lp's ?
Exactly right on the Goodwill suggestion. Just took about 500 classical to our local store. The only thing I have to be careful of is not buying the darn things again. Give someone else a chance at finding some music. 
Reference 3A Grand Veena
Lacee, thanks for taking the time on your post. A question or 10 if I may...? What is the approximate gain setting on your amp at "average" listening levels? My concern is when using the ARC the gain setting on the preamp reads 70/100 before it re... 
Reference 3A Grand Veena
Glad to see a few new posts to this thread. I have had my GV's over a year now and it has been a real struggle. Placement, room, amp, placement (again). Wow!I have them in a medium size room with a couch, three tables and 2 side chairs. They are n... 
Piece of Audio gear you regret selling
Not just a piece of gear but my entire house that contained the BEST sounding room I have ever had. I have never had another room come close to that. Early 80's, I had it made and haven't been able to get it back. 
late april release for steve earle's new cd
I was at one of Emmylou's concerts a few years back around the time she released an album that was mostly her original work. She casually mentioned while introducing a song about how difficult it is to write the number of songs to make a decent al... 
Grand Veena and ? speaker cable
I went through a couple of early popular contenders like Kimber and Nordost but decided to email Reference and ask them what they use. Kind of makes sense doesn't it? They were real nice about it and gave me a price on their brand of cable made fo... 
Do you plan to buy The Beatles CD remasters?
It will be interesting to see how these turn out. The originals were (are) somewhat of a disaster as have been most of the re-issues over the years. The Japanese vinyl has been pretty inconsistent through all of their reissues. The MFSL vinyl has ... 
PS Audio premier ... any problems?
My PPP is sitting back at the factory as we speak. Started making a clicking noise like an open relay that would not stay shut. Tried everything they told me at PS but to no avail. Had to send it back (they picked up the shipping!!). This is the f... 
You might be an audiophile if...
the UPS and FedEx guys know not to stop when they see the wife's car in the driveway.