
Responses from jgiacalo

Female Vocalist's Website
Great find. Thanks for passing it along. 
Extending speaker wire?
I think Loomisjohnson hit on it. Try it. Determine for yourself if you like the sound. What an outrageous concept - trusting your own ears. You have nothing to lose by trying. 
Getting back into digital. Please help.
Check out the reviews on the Bryston BCD1.http://www.soundstage.com/revequip/bryston_bcd1.htmhttp://www.stereophile.com/cdplayers/bryston_bcd-1_cd_player/ 
Re: What are the Best Speakers a $1000 could get?
The advice to find something used on Audiogon is sound. Try the 'Search' button on the A'Gon homepage, then, type in the first two digits of your zip code in "By Location" and you might find some used speakers in your area that you can demo before... 
$300 Budget - help
There's a nice Vintage belt-drive Yamaha YP-B4 with Rega Elys cartridge on ebay for a reasonable price 
McIntosh c2200 phono tube question
dedicated cd player or dvd-cd
If it is 'new' perhaps it needs some time - say 100-200 hours. CD players can sound quite different once they've been played a bit; usually it is a noticeable improvement with brightness diminishing and a more fully formed body of music emerging, ... 
Interfacing Speakers & Stands
I use good quality but not exotic fillable stands loaded with sand, and interface the top plate of the stand and bottom of the speaker with Black Dots from Herbie'e Audio and find the combination out performs the brass spikes I had been using prev... 
How Well does Bryston work with McIntosh
I have a McIntosh C2200 preamp pushing a Bryston 4BST and it is a warm, rich, detailed and open presentation. Not sure how your combination might work, but in my experience the two brands interact synergistically. The sound and music from this com... 
Matching Bookshelf Speakers for Rega Mira 3 amp
Someone (not me) is selling a pair of VonSchweikert VR1 bookshelves on A'Gon now for $550. I'm using VR1s with my Mira3 and it is an outstanding match. Do a search of reviews on the VR1. I think there's one at Stereo Times online. 
2 channel Preamp brain?
Seems to me all you have to do is run the audio outs to a 2-channel preamp and the video out to the TV directly from your Marantz 6001. That's how I've rigged one of my systems and it make a fine 'home theater' set up without the 'surround' featur... 
SLP-05, REF3, LS26, Mac C2300
The C2300 will improve significantly in detail and bass punch once you replace the stock tubes with some nice NOS tubes like Mullard, Telefunken or Amperex. I tube-rolled my C2200 and it transformed it to an entirely different level of performance... 
Do Audiogon members like DIY cable projects?
I'm in the midst of making the A/C power cables described in Virtual Dynamics Oddiophile Episode 10 and have high hope for them possibly replacing my high priced A/C cables. Cost comes to about $25 apiece compared to $250. and up. 
Count Up Timer
Maybe a client or legal billing timer, or, software would do what you want. A Google search might yield helpful results 
I'm beginning to wonder...
Anyone who cannot spell a word more than one way is creatively challenged.