

Responses from kmccarty

What to look for in purchasing CD-R's for recordin
Bruce - where do you buy the Taiyo Yuden Silvers?Thanks.Ken 
Vinyl to DVD-A 24/96 vs. Redbook
Vegasears, do you know what analog to digital hardware is in the Mac that produces such excellent results? Just curious. 
Vinyl to DVD-A 24/96 vs. Redbook
Vegasears, what software and analog-to-digital equipment do you use? Thanks. 
Power Conditioner for your amplifier?
I have had excellent results with the Running Springs power conditioner on a 600 watt per channel stereo amplifier. Rather than limiting dynamics, dynamics actually improved, along with all the other improvements you would expect from a power cond... 
How flat should my room response be?
You certainly don't want a "flat" response in the upper frequencies, as this will kill the cat and the dog and cause you to run from the room with fingers in ears. The high frequencies should roll off gently and smoothly. You can do some web searc... 
Anyone own a Running Springs Audio power cond.
Try the Running Springs. I use one for my power amp and another for sources (preamp, DAC, CD transport etc). In some systems, they need break-in. They are excellent - one of the greatest "bang for the buck" deals in audio. 
tuner questions
Try this great resource for FM tuner information:http://www.fmtunerinfo.com/ 
How to transfer analog sources to iPod
Is there any way to transfer digital directly without first converting to analog?Also, do the ADS and Amadeus II work on PCs (not Macs)? 
Next on the list for Mahler....
Also find the vinyl Mahler 7 with Otto Klemperer and the Philharmonia Orchestra on British EMI (i.e., don't get the US Angel or German Electrola vinyl pressings). The CD also sounds quite good.While this may be Mahler's least popular symphony, it ... 
Anybody use Running Springs Audio Conditioners?
I tried them and bought them. They are terrific and easily the most cost effective upgrade I have ever made. I tried the Tara (excellent but compressed dynamics in my system) and Monster Cable (these degraded pretty much everything in my system). ... 
best preamp ever - cost is no object
Also consider the Boulder 1000 series preamps. This is the first Boulder product I owned before replacing it with the 2010 preamp. I find the Boulder 1000 series to offer much of the quality of 2000 series in the areas of neutrality, musicality, a... 
best preamp ever - cost is no object
You must check out the Boulder 2010. The attributes of the well-known Boulder 2008 phono stage are the same for the 2010 - that is massive detail, natural dynamics, harmonic and timbral accuracy, and huge soundstage. And the sheer beauty of sound ... 
jm lab grand utopia be--- any thoughts ?
Hi Stevecham - I am puzzled by your indictment of the timbre of JM Labs products. As I said above, that is my priority in a speaker - and I find the timbre very accurate, natural and beautiful. And this based on many evenings in concert halls list... 
jm lab grand utopia be--- any thoughts ?
I bought the Grande Utopia Be's only after an in-home audition. They sound light years better in my sound room than anywhere else I've heard them. And getting them to sound fantastic was a lot of work. Changes of toe in of an eighth of inch affect... 
Opinions on the "TACT" sonic signature?
I tried one a few weeks ago and didn't care for it. It was too smooth and clinical for my tastes. However, it is a very useful tool for analyzing speaker and room interface. As with any significant purchase of high end electronics, try before you ...