
Responses from makersmark

Hall of Shame
Not really. Anyone can express their opinion. But you don't have to express an opposing opinion by crucifying someone else for theirs or getting into an arguement with them.I don't enjoy CD players. I'm also aware that many people love their CD pl... 
Hall of Shame
Just a thought.Over whatever you have to do, even if it be very urgent and demands great care, I would not have you argue or be agitated. For rest assured, everything you do, be it great or small, is but one-eighth of the problem, whereas to keep ... 
Hall of Shame
Any CD player that cost more than $75. 
3 Way Speakers
A good 3 way is always better than a good two way.Period. 
Vandy Owner needs help
I would go to a Paradigm dealer and ask to listen to the Active20's. They don't need an amplifier because it is already built into the speaker. That is also very beneficial to the sound. You can sell your amp and also put that towards the purchase... 
I can't believe there is no difference
In response to Detlof; I absolutely do believe our reasoning not only solves Gun's problem but saves him alot of money&aggravation. Most importantly it allows him to start enjoying music again and quit wasting time trying to solve an insoluble... 
Your 5 Fav Rock Concerts
Humble Pie 1972, Rod Stewart1974,Willie Nelson 1975 &yes he most certainly did rock,The Police we are the world concert,and finally Joe Walsh before he joined the Eagles but at this concert the Eagles were his back-up band. 
I can't believe there is no difference
The real problem is that digital is just plain bad to start with and you can't make it sound good,that is compared to analog,no matter what you do. I'm not one of those guys who never wanted digital and have resisted it from the start. I bought a ... 
Monitor speakers - choices to narrowed down to...
I'm a big fan of time and phase coherent speakers. The first time I heard a pair of speakers that were time and phase coherent was also the first time I thought that reproduced music sounded real. I would look for a pair of used Spica TC-50's or 6... 
Speaker recommendations for 2,500 or less?
I would recommend the Vandersteen 2CE's with a Vanersteen subwoofer. 
Your electronics and your speakers are all very bright components. I hate to say this but the reason you wanted to give up is that there is really no way to solve your problem with the components you have. You're going to have to start over.Go to ... 
Which speakers do the hologram thing?
I agree with everyone that has mentioned Spica speakers. But nobody has mentioned the best Spica speaker. The designer himself said he liked the TC-60's the best. I have to agree with him. These speakers in a large room throw an unbelievably large... 
Speaker recommendation for Pass Labs
I would try some of the Proac speakers. I don't know what your budget is so I can't recommend any particular model. I do know they sound great with the type of music you like and they work great in small rooms like yours. If your room was larger I...