
Responses from marsh

rock/jazz fusion
Try Greyboy Allstars, Soul Live, Groove Collective and Stanton Moore. 
Coolest looking cd player in history
I throwing in the 47 Labs Pi Tracer. 
Multi-Channel DAC
I can't believe no one has an answer to this question!Please help! 
Advice on how to get FedEx to pay up on damage
You get what you pay for!!!!!!!! 
I f your thinking of spending that kind of money, check out Equi-tech. I know you wont be disappointed. They manufacture professional grade conditioners as well as home audio lines. 
Platinum Audio any info on them
I heard this brand at a local dealer, when they were available. They were excellent for the price. As too the current value, I'm not sure, but someone should be able to give you some good advice. 
How many do"green edge"an silicon up CDs
Yes, i use the green marker and the improvements are audible to anyone who can hear. I wouldn't bother if it didn't work. I asume that cleaning the edge of a cd would help as well. By cleaning i mean shaving. i have seen an expensive device that u... 
Your thoughts on speaker stands
The most rigid stands that i have seen are manufactured by Solidsteel. They are a tripod design and actually quite attractive. Check them out. I think they will adequately address many of your concerns. 
Worst speakers at Stereophile show
I live in Memphis Tn and have a unique view point of eggleston speakers. I have driven around downtown several times looking for their manufacturing facility, today i found it. Any eggleston owners out there should crack open their cabinets amd lo... 
New home theater advice?
Sounds good and the big case that i referred to is an insurance case. I am an insurance broker by day. I once thought about law school but that is as close to a court room as i've ever come. But, anyways thanks for all the great advice and i just ... 
Speaker sensitivity?
Thanks for your answers; this is one question i have never seen asked. Thanks!!!!! 
Musical sounding DVD player...?
Check out I also hear that the new classe dvd/cd player is quite musical as a cd player. 
Rings Of Saturn
Thanks for introducing me to these fascinating products. I will keep an eye on the responses!!!!! 
just starting
Whats your price range? 
One Song That Still Causes...
"Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd. Granted I am young only 24 but, I doubt anyone will disagree.