

Responses from mikeba316

Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?
The Nagra room with new HD preamp and amps with Wilson Alexias and the Wilson Benesch with Ypsilon room were my favorites.The Ayon room with Lumenwhite speakers were good. I was amazed at how large a soundstage was created with speakers so close t... 
San Jose, CA
I live in the Willow Glen area of San Jose. I would be willing. 
Anybody into 80s big music?
Just saw Flock of Seaguls,Wang Chung,ABC, Gene Loves Jezebel,, Naked Eyes and a few others at winery in Saratoga recently..... Awesome! 
Your favorite LP nobody has ever heard of
Mapman,I love Nektar. How are sonics on Tab? I've never found a good sonic issue of Recycled. You? 
MSR Acoustics 3D Diffusers
Jeff,I have looked into these wood diffusers in the past because they have a nice look to them. I didn't go for them because I would like more feedback on their effectiveness before buying. I hope someone steps up here!What is your source for buyi... 
Room treatments behind or between speakers?
If your room is small, you will most likely get a reflection off the back wall behind you, which then bounces off the front wall and then back to you. I would think absorption on the front wall between your speakers and maybe try some diffusion on... 
Room treatments behind or between speakers?
Since your room is small, you will most likely get a reflection off the back wall which then bounces off the front wall and then back to you. I would think absorption on the front wall between your speakers and maybe try some diffusion on the back... 
California Audio Show in San Francisco-Who's going
I will be there on Friday. I live in the South Bay, so only a short drive. 
Best sounding, involving vinyl you own...
We'll see. Just bought a mint copy on Ebay for $2.50. 
Why Oh Why...another
My system pic is very outdated and old. Those were Lamm amps. I have single ended connectors. I have VAC 300.1a amp now 
Looking for Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington LP
Check Discogs 
VAC 300.1a Tube Rolling
Thanks Tomcy6, I was looking more for tube rolling experience for this specific amp.I am familiar with those sources. 
Should I have a separate bank account for PayPal?
I mostly just go to Wallmart or similar store and pay cash for PayPal MyCash Card. You can load up to $500.00 at a time and the funds go straight into your PayPal account 
CES 2014 hotels
Lsummers,No problem I just booked a room!.............not...........not that there is anything wrong with that sort of thing. There are many rooms in God's house!Mike 
CES 2014 hotels
Lsummers,Checked out your recommendation. I'm assuming you have first hand knowledge of this fine establishment.Mike