

Responses from mikeba316

Vibraplane question
Steve,Thanks for the offer. I will shoot you an email at Sounds of Silence. I was just about to order from you when this never used Vibraplane came up on auction. I couldn't pass up since funds are somewhat an issue and it was a great deal.Mike 
First favorite tune
"The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway" from Genesis......Laying in bed as a Freshman in high school listening to the radio late one night I fell in love with progressive rock that night 
Switching preamps in and out
I agree with longer term listening, but swapping in and out is helpful too, and the only way when you have friends over listening with you!My wife gave me the house this Saturday. She taking the kids to a birthday party so that's when the testing ... 
Switching preamps in and out
Agreed. I thanked him for all of us. 
Switching preamps in and out
Final Word from Kevin,If you switch it to the variable volume mode and turn the volume controls all the way down, yes.With the volume controls at minimum, the "direct/level adjust" switch will act like a mute switch.On 2/6/2013 10:01 AM, Mike Baue... 
Switching preamps in and out
More from Kevin,The first sentence is true, and the core of the procedure I've suggested to you. The rest of this poster's theory has some flaws, and I would not rely upon his assumptions or assertions.On 2/5/2013 11:10 PM, Mike Bauer wrote:Kevin,... 
Switching preamps in and out
Al and Salmetric,Here are Kevin's responces to some of your assertions. See below and following posts.Yes, you can get transient snaps, hum, or (in some cases) oscillations when 'hot swapping' single ended interconnects. We do it all the time at t... 
Switching preamps in and out
Peter,Check this thread in three or four weeks. I will post which preamp I like the most and why. I have some initial thoughts, but I want to do more listening with a wider variety of music before I post any thoughts.Salectric,I hope you are right... 
Switching preamps in and out
Thanks everyone for input. Here are components. Everything purchased here on Audiogon. I agree with long term listening but I want to enlist some other ears too, so we will be doing switching in and out on that night.Amp is -VAC Phi 300.1aSource i... 
Switching preamps in and out
So the power amp has dual level controls. What about just turning down to "0"?Can I leave the preamps on when switching IC's? I can press the mute button-would that work? They are all tube preamps so constsantly turning off and on is not ideal. 
SP10 MK3 recommendation
Thanks everyone for insights. They have been helpful....... to some degree! I know the bottom line and ideal circumstance is to have something on hand and see how it sounds in your system. This is especially important when getting closer to the en... 
SP10 MK3 recommendation
So I probably will go with my 10.5" Reed to start with. I wish I could try both but I don't see how that would be possible with out buying them both. Between the Atlas and Supreme which do you think would have better synergy with the Reed and in t... 
SP10 MK3 recommendation
Dev,I'm just using the built in phono with the VAC right now. I have a friend near by that wants to hear the SP10 when I get it set up. He has an Alnic H3000 that I'm pretty sure I can get him to bring over.Both Albert and Steve Dobbins use the Al... 
SP10 MK3 recommendation
Peterayer,I Will be for sure leaning on Albert's knowledge, but he hasn't heard the Reed arm on the MK3 so I'm fishing around to see if anyone else can comment on the sound of the Reed arm compared to these other great arms especially with the car... 
SP10 MK3 recommendation
C1 Ferrari,No more BMW. My whole system is basically new. I just haven't updated pics yet.