

Responses from mtseymour

Auraliti PK100
Good to hear about your experience. I know that they're a small start-up company and have limited resources. What's the quality of the power supply? I read previously about a power supply upgrade but I don't see it on their website.I used a Logite... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Tbg, I appreciate your feedback on the Apex & Cells. I can't afford the Apex right now but might be able to try the Cells with the Precision. I agree with other comments that Galileo MPCs are worthwhile. 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Are Basik Strings the best fit for the Universal Interconnects Cell? I recently installed a set of Universal Interconnect Cells between my Sony 5400ES player and my Ayre K-1xe preamp, and really like the improvements (more detail, dynamics, etc) u... 
Where will my powercables be used best ?
I agree with Bander's advice. I've tried the Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, and Valhalla and would recommend them as your budget allows. The Brahma may provide the best value in the Nordost lineup. 
HRS M3 vs Symposium Ultra platform
I've use the Symposium Svelte and Super shelves and find them very effective under speakers, amps, and CD/turntables. However, most of my components rest on Symposium Rollerblocks because they're just as effective and more flexible. The double-sta...