

Responses from mtseymour

The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....
I don't understand why some people will so much lot of time arguing that fuses (cables, footers, etc) won't make a difference, but won't spend any time LISTENING to new products.  Even a 30-day money back guarantee won't make them happy.I guess th... 
A New Ground -- Benefits of introducing the Synergistic Research Active Ground Block SE
I've built several DIY silver ground cables using the 2mm connectors.Replacing the stock ground cables for my Atmosphere interconnects and speaker cables had minimal impact.However, it was worthwhile to add additional cables to my DAC and amps.  F... 
The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....
I'm upgrading some of my Black fuse to the Blue.  Just waiting for my dealer to fill his back-orders.  It's interesting that some SR products pop up in high-end non-SR systems.  For example, I recently heard a demo with Linn Klimax, Soulution 520 ... 
A New Ground -- Benefits of introducing the Synergistic Research Active Ground Block SE
Thanks Ozzy!I found a set of male and female 2mm connectors that should fit the Ground Block.  If these connectors work, I should be able to try different cables from the Block to Atmosphere interconnects and speaker cables. 
A New Ground -- Benefits of introducing the Synergistic Research Active Ground Block SE
Ozzy:Where did you buy the silver wires and the banana adapters to go from 4mm to 2mm?Thanks. 
A New Ground -- Benefits of introducing the Synergistic Research Active Ground Block SE
Did Verrastarr make the cables from Ground Block to RCA or XLR?  How about from Ground Block to Atmosphere interconnects?SR's website has a photo of HD cables from the Ground Block to Atmosphere interconnects.  However, there's no info about these... 
A New Ground -- Benefits of introducing the Synergistic Research Active Ground Block SE
folkfreak & davidpritchard:I'm currently using 2 SR Ground blocks with HD Cables.  Pretty happy with the results.  I've owned the Entreq Silver Tellus and have also heard elaborate Entreq setups in other really good systems.  I prefer the SR G... 
Bybee Audio tweeks. IQSE
This is what my dealer told me about the iQSE and whether it has a battery:"The larger version wood QSE use batteries, but I am not sure if these do. When Jack implements the batteries, he is creating what is called a homopolar motor. It generates... 
Bybee Audio tweeks. IQSE
Ozzy:Did you ask your vendor about the purpose of the battery, and what happens when it's fully drained?Did you return the iQSE or are they still beneficial for your system? 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Enjoy the Music has just done a review of the Black fuse and UEF Black outlet:http://www.enjoythemusic.com/magazine/equipment/1116/Synergistic_Research_Black_Quantum_Fuses_UEF_Bl... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Dave:I've also owned the Ayre K-1xe pre with internal phono for a few years. Enjoyed it a lot.  Audition the KX-5 Twenty if you can because it's stellar.Allan:I have four Black fuses on order.  One for my BHK Preamp (which replaced my Pass XP-20),... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
It's possible that SR fuse is affected by the turn-on sequence.  My Pass XP-15 phono stage has no on/off switch.  It's powered on once the AC cable is connected.  I blew two Red fuses before I successfully used a Red with higher amperage rating.By... 
Synergistic Research Powercell 12UEF
It just goes to show that system synergy is important.  My dealer reluctantly carries SR because the Tranquility base and ART acoustic treatment were too popular, even among customers who didn't use SR cables and conditioners.  I say reluctantly b... 
Synergistic Research Powercell 12UEF
folkfreak Is the glass top merely for cosmetics?  Is the point-to-point wiring a more important feature?  The 12UEF SE and Atmosphere power cables are definitely on my upgrade list.I already have a lot of SR stuff (Atmosphere IC, ART, CTS power... 
Power cords for ModWright SCD-XA5400es
I agree with the suggestion about the "Truth" Umbilical cable. I like the sound of the Synergistic Research Hologram D on the ext power supply, and the SR Precision AC on the player. Your better cable should be used on the ext power supply.For sim...