
Responses from prfont

Music for "Tough Times"
End of relationship - Billie Holiday "Lady in Satin". Existential crisis - Bach's "Cello Suites". Looking for Salvation - Coltrane, " A Love Supreme". Angry at the world - The Clash, "London Calling" or "Black Market Clash". 
Forget Clapton, Roger Modjeski is god
Kitch, that was quick. Didn't you get the sonographe in december? (you had responded to my kestral thread awhile back). As you now know tubes and the kestals make a great combo. After thinking my EL34 based CJ MV 52 was a poor match for my kestral... 
Coping in an Age of Uncertainty
Craig, i've read the "up& oversampling" thread, articles posted by Muse, Madrigal, etc.... and probably a dozen articles on upsampling dacs. No suprise that different sides come down with different opinions on whether this is a semantic differ... 
Salamander Synergy Rack Experiences?
The most noticeable improvement came from putting an extra one of the black inner MDF shelves I had between the CDP and the top shelf. I placed this on 3 hard sorbothane pucks(not the squishy ones), there are no footers currently b/t the CDP the M... 
Salamander Synergy Rack Experiences?
I purchased a synergy 30 about 2 weeks ago after looking around for quite awhile. Zeothecus was out of the question for me so I felt these were the next best looking options out there. With the CD Player on the top shelf, which is not, as you know... 
Arcams's New Diva Series Players
Mike, I haven't heard them yet but have seen them in person at dealter recently - In black, they look as good or better than the FMJ23. For what its worth, one of the british mags(What Hi Fi, i believe) gave the 72(the 7se replacement) a rave revi... 
Ken Burns' JAZZ starts Monday on PBS!
My problem, ultimately comes down to the Burn's formula not working with this particular subject. I found "Civil War" and "Baseball" far more interesting. Jazz, it seems to me, is far to spontaneous, exciting, and creative a subject to be well ser... 
Audio Research 100.2 amp
Ken, I've had some experience with S.E. and its been generally good. Of course the usual caveats apply: depends on the particualar salesman,day you go there, and making them understand that you are there for a serious listen(not that you're absolu... 
Best Zip Code for Perfect Life
Hey, threadman. Why not try Taos, New Mexico? Or for some more bucks Sante Fe? As a NYC boy longing to live elsewhere(At least part of the year) This has been one my favorite getaways. Awesome food, great weather, people who march to very differen... 
Your Best Hobbies (other than Audio)
These are listed in no particular order and reflect varying degrees of expertise/incompetence. Photography - allows much obsessive gear behavior, but also gives the joy of the once in a while shot that makes you happy- guitar - once the system sta... 
Meadowlark Kestral Owners! - Amp Help.
Kevin, you are so right about spiking and results. I had been demo-ing these at home and very causually placed them on DH pads(not cones) thinking these would be fine-WRONG. Last night I placed the speakers on two spikes and one BDR cone (I only h... 
Meadowlark Kestral Owners! - Amp Help.
Thanks all for your input and insight. As I've changed so much so quickly, I think its time to settle in, fool with placement etc... I think I'll still probably end up swapping the CJ for something solid state - Bryston, McCormack, Marsh or ??. St... 
Best upgrade for the money ?
I've seen a lot of good advice here especially regarding roomtreatment and vibration control. After that's taken care of my guess is that either splitting off your pre-amp functions to a good unit - tube or solid state- will make a really big diff... 
what is everybody listening to right now
Yeah, I'm right there with all those "KID A" fans, a brilliant record. Others in heavy rotation: the new Greg Brown, the new Louise Talyor "Written in Red" - one of the best folk records in a couple of years in my opinion, "Seven Steps to Heaven" ...