
Responses from saudio

Phono preamp breakin
Great choice on the frybaby2.  Now you can burn in cables as well.  Give us a report after you use it. 
Phono preamp breakin
There are two ways to do this.  First as suggested by bigwave1 is to use the Granite Audio CD, set on repeat for the single moving coil track.  Second, get an inverse RIAA  network from Hagerman Labs.  You run the output of your CD player using an... 
Audiogon forums and other transitions given focus on dealers and vendors
Hi zephyr24069. I agree with your feelings about the forum content. People with no experience are stating their opinions as facts. They have not even owned or heard the equipment they are talking about.Trolls are abundant. Those in the industry pu... 
Insiders check in
With that phono stage you have almost an endless choice of cartridges.  Very difficult decision. 
Insiders check in
Can't pick a favorite.  They are all so musical that it amazes me.  MC are more transparent, faster and much more extended and airy in the highs.  But they don't have the musicality that MM or MI achieve effortlessly.  Also MC require incredible p... 
Insiders check in
MM from Shure, Grado, Ortofon, Azden, Empire, Stanton, Grace and many more.  MC from Koetsu, Kiseki, Benz, Shelter, Denon and others.  They're all different sounding but all excellent.  MM sounds very good for "pennys" of cost compared to MC.  I d... 
Insiders check in
@uberwaltz   I have owned the Nottingham Dais for years with the Ace Space arm ( currently for sale on Audiogon ).  I am not a measurement kind of audiophile.  I have tried over a dozen cartridges on that arm, both MM and MC.  They all sounded goo... 
Insiders check in
Hello to the insiders.  I also hope this is more civil than the regular forums.  
Need to be educated re: MC Step-up transformers
On their website, Clearaudio recommends 200 ohms as the load that gives the best sound when using their own phono stage. If that is going to give you the best sound then 470 ohms into a step up is way off and not even close to being optimum!! It h... 
Need to be educated re: MC Step-up transformers
Al, I have placed resistors on both the secondary and primary sides of step up transformers and prefer using them on the primary side. I am not an engineer and have no technical background but I try to listen very carefully. I'm guessing that the ... 
Need to be educated re: MC Step-up transformers
Brent, there is much more to do to optimize the sound of your Stradivari when using the MC-4 step up. You want to load the cartridge on the primary side of the transformer in order to get an appropriate impedance match. Right now you are letting y... 
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only?
Has anyone compared the MM stage in the solid state EAR 324 to the one in the tubed EAR 88PB? The 324 allows adjustable impedance (including 100K) and capacitance whereas the 88PB is 47K only with no adjustments. 
The correct internal-inductance of Windfeld cart.?
Axel, how did you arrive at the formula that the output impedance of a cartridge is equal to 2.5 times its DCR? 
Line Array speakers?
Anyone considering a line array speaker should take a listen to the superb Scaena. Don't let the tall height fool you. These speakers can sound good in small rooms. 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Scaena 3.2 line array. Imagine a speaker system that sounds like a full range driver having no crossover but without the usual roll offs in frequency response at the top and bottom of the spectrum. The Scaena's feature a line array of drivers meas...