
Responses from sruffle

Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Hi all.  I am the happy owner of a 1200 unit. It was well worth the purchase cost for me.  The unit is on a dedicated 20 amp circuit and is powering my entire system (MacMini, DAC, passive preamp, and 2 watt SET amp).   My question is whether or n... 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
All, I am starting to research a power upgrade for this Spring.  My current set-up has a dedicated line powering a 2 watt Decware SET amp, passive preamp and DAC.  A MacMini and subwoofer is on a separate circuit shared with the TV, cable box, etc... 
Triode Wire Labs Digital-American Power Cord
I am going to reward myself in 2017 with a new PC for my DAC.  Has anyone compared this TWL Digital American with a Shunyata Alpha Digital PC?The Shunyata is twice the list price but that gap could be closed if I can find a used Shunyata.  Any com... 
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
Thanks for the comment on the blue power cord with a SET amp.   
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
This may be a silly question.  I ended up with a CE power cable in the blue HC version.  I plan to use it on my 2 watt SET amp.  Are there any issues using a high current PC on a small amp like this?   
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Thanks for the comments.  I never thought of turning it on its side.  I have to sell some gear off and then plan to try one on my DAC. 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Thanks for the reply.  It sounds like I would have to figure out a way to shoehorn it in there. 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Sorry to quote my own post but I see in an ad that the length is 2.5 feet from the wall and then can vary based on your preference.  I guess my questions now are how big is the box and are the cables flexible? 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
I am looking to upgrade from my Shunyata Venom 3s.  These power cables sound very interesting.  Unfortunately, I have space constraints behind my rack.  Can anyone comment on the physical dimensions of these cables?  How big is the central box?  H... 
Anyone using Gustard U12 usb converter?
I would be really interested in how this compares to the MF Vlink 192 and/or the AP2 with Pure Power. Has anybody tried this comparison? 
USB to I2S that supports DSD
The Gustard U12 looks like it does this. It is cheap and has received positive comments on the head-fi forum. I can't vouch for it but I am curious if the I2S output is good. For $150 to $200, it may be worth a try. 
PS Audio PWD II vs. NAD M51
I wish I could help the OP with an informative response but I am in the exact same boat. (I almost made the exact same post.) I am looking to upgrade from a Rega DAC and am considering both of these DACS plus the Chord Hugo.There seem to be great ... 
Passive preamp w/Rogue Medusa and Rega DAC
Well, I made the leap. I replace my modded Acurus RL-11 with DIY passive that uses the Tortuga LDR3V2 board. I received it this weekend and gave it a trial run Saturday and Sunday. My first reactions were mixed. Because I was juggling taking care ... 
Passive preamp w/Rogue Medusa and Rega DAC
Very interesting points about going straight from the DAC to the amp. One thing that I need is a really good remote control. I haven't done the research but I think that may be hard to find. This is something I should look into further.The idea of... 
Passive preamp w/Rogue Medusa and Rega DAC
Thanks for the great responses on this thread. I definitely want to try a passive. I have arranged to borrow a simple volume pot to put in my system to see if the gain is sufficient. If it is, then I will pursue a better one to try out. I would lo...