
Responses from sumaato

DNM Stereo speaker cables-experiences?
Gnobber, thanks for your input, especially about the bass on DNM cabling. My Stirling V2 LS3/5a speakers are 'shoebox' sized, thus bass limited. However, with the right components, the bass can be really surprisingly punchy and well-shaped. So far... 
DNM Stereo speaker cables-experiences?
Mapman, yes, I take your point about coherence....the DNM sound has a gestalt about it that is pleasing. And I too experience the 'leanness', which gives the impression of clarifying the instrumental/voice parts, so I appreciate the same qualities... 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
Sbrownnw, How would you characterize the difference in the phono stages between the Cronus and the Pro-ject tube box....was it slight or was it night and day, or somewhere in-between?FYI, I just had my Cronus upgraded to a Magnum, and also went wi... 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
Jazzerdave, thanks for the Signal cable tip. Cheaper option too. Glad to know of at least one more 2Xperience owner! They are great tables IMO. Which phono stage are you using presently? Have you tried other cartridges on your Xperience yet?Strang... 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
Thank you, David and Ozog, for your considered response and detailed view of my system. It's really helpful to get your opinion of where the Shure/SAS is placed in the panoply of MM cartridges. My Rogue amp has only the 47k loading. If I want to h... 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
Yes, the interconnect will be first purchase I think. It may have an important effect on bass too, as may a new butcher block support for the table.I really like the idea of increasing synergy rather than re-purchasing major components at a higher... 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
Johnny, The Kimber Monocles were such a surprise to me in terms of what cabling can yield...well worth the investment. so your suggestion to get better interconnects is excellent, particularly establishing the capacitance values to match the cartr... 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
To be honest, I don't feel I'm missing anything, but I know there are two things that can be tweaked into existence: bass, with a sub, and upper mid band/lower treble resolution with better instrumental separation. The stereo depth is excellent, i... 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
Nandric, that's quite a recommendation, comparing it to the Virtuoso. Thanks. I've never considered Stantons....Is that model still available? I'm not finding it online yet. 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
I have the table on a corian sandwich with three sorbothane semi-sheres in-between the two 1/2 " thick slabs. It's a DIY result that looks good. i have no idea if this could be improved upon! Any suggestions welcome. I know Pro-ject makes a 'Groun... 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
Inna, I'm not sure which way to go yet, but it seems to me that adding bass is an obvious path to follow as a next step. The RELs have been used before with LS3/5a, but it's a little unclear whether owners of these speakers wholeheartedly agree th... 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
Phasecorrect, yes, maybe I'm fishing for a nice self-present for Xmas! You guys are Santa's helpers.I'm running a modest Blue Jeans 3 feet phono interconnect to my Rogue amp. 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
Good to hear all these viewpoints. I take Frogman's point about hall ambience being well developed by the addition of a sub...that was my (theoretical) understanding too. That's a clear direction to go in and I plan to pursue it. Bruckner needs al... 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
Phasecorrect, thanks for affirming my choices so far. Clean vinyl ....yum!Your point about subs interests me. The matching LS3/5a bass units sit underneath each speaker and act as a speaker stand. As far as I understand the specs, they dig about 2... 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
It's good to get opinions as to the wisdom of further investment. I was wondering how close I am to diminishing returns and you guys have helped clarify that. The phono amp investment seems to be a path I can take. I like this system a lot, so may...