
Responses from sumaato

Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
My music and sound preferences: Mahler, Bruckner, Elgar, Fifties torch singers, Brazilian bossanova. British-style sound preferred. Musical, not etched. Good large ensemble instrumental separation. 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
My music and sound preferences: Mahler, Bruckner, Elgar, Fifties torch singers, Brazilian bossanova. British-style sound preferred. Musical, not etched. Good large ensemble instrumental separation. 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
Thanks Inna and Audiofeil, for the reality check.....My system could be called 'mid-fi', which is why I'm not sure how to prioritize my upgrades.Amp is Rogue Cronus tube integrated (with ss phono for MM only). Speakers Stirling LS3/5a, cables Kimb... 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
Marakanetz: Thanks for the Interesting suggestion...seems to have the right specs too. What do you do about stylus replacement? How well does the stylus wear?