
Responses from tedmbrady

Under Appreciated Jazz Piano Players
Jacky Terrasson. His collaboration with Cassandra Wilson (Rendezvous) is very nice, as are his solo efforts. 
Can you correct nulls with acoustic treatments.
When I have these issues, I end up using two tools. The first one is a rough estimator and it's online. CaraQuick Just punch in the dimensions of the room, fill in a little bit about your room (number of chairs, etc.) and then pick a loudspeaker i... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
My TAP evaluation is on temporary hold. I just discovered that my Sason speakers present an interesting load (high impedance for the most part) that is adding to the Krell's clinical sound, and thus to my TAP eval. I need to either insert a well-h... 
Cleveland, OH
I didn't know this "local club" thing existed on Audiogon. I am a 53 yr old audio lover who has been dabbling in audiophile/hi-fi stuff for 30+ years here in N. Ohio. I am a strong 2 channel guy, but also built a home theater in 1987 when we built... 
Best speakers for near rear wall placement?
I second the silent speakers that Burhoe designed, especially intended for placement at the front wall. By the way, if you call the wall in front of you the "rear wall" what do you call the one behind you? :>) 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
Thanks for all the clarifications. As for my questioning, it was NOT to imply any "leading the witness" but rather to help those of us not present to understand the biases and overall sound characteristics that the system is generally producing. I... 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
You described the variables (the players) nicely, thanks. However, you didn't mention anything about the setup. What speakers were used? Preamp? Amp? How were the volume levels calibrated (even a db off can make the louder one seem considerably mo... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Hey guys, sorry but I've been traveling a lot (work and long weekend getaway with wife) and not put any more mileage on the TAP. But this week will be interesting. I just finished dragging my 300lb ATC SCM150ASL's (active huge monitors) out and se... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Teajay,Thanks for the B-day wishes. I will report back on the new TAP in the next few days, once I get a better understanding of what I'm hearing (and let it break in slightly longer). My reference tube pre, the Modwright SWL 9.0SE is going to be ... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
OK, so I should find a good volume setting for my Modwright tubed universal (redbook, SACD, DVD-A 2 channel) and then burn that input (input 1) it in at that volume (I use an fm tuner with interstation noise...so as not to burn out the tubes on my... 
Modwright SWL 9.0SE Preamplifier
The Modwright SWL 9.0 SE does not have balanced outs...his new LS36 (due out in March-April) will. The tube rec'd upgraded PS was just announced (he's had it for the LP and the player mods like my Denon 3910 for some time). The first feedback is o... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Well, my TAP showed up today. I just installed it in my system; it will replace a Modwright SWL9.0SE during the evaluation. So far, though, it sounds just like Teajay predicted, with no noise whatsoever, dynamics and layering in spades, and a grea... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
As I stated on AudioCircle this morning (gave John a congrats there, his forum) I was disappointed to see Srajan doing the review. He spent half of it telling the reader that he liked his new Supratek Cab Dual active pre better. Although he spent ... 
Has Anyone Heard the new Modwright Power Supply?
Dan's newest linestage, his LS 36.5 is THE one to wait for (but you'll need the outboard phono). The new one debuts at CES and I hope to have one of the first units after the debut. It is balanced, has his new proprietary Modwright caps, is tube-r... 
2006 BEST Female Vocal CD/SACD/XRCD
Who? Ella?