
Responses from tedmbrady

What is new with the Memory Player?
FWIW, I didn't take Alex's post as anything but a proof statement that 32 bit DAC's were not available up until this announcement! he never said he was using them, he said he had tested a couple of samples, and that when it is finally released he ... 
is a SACD+CD player better than a universal player
My only input is this: yes, the Ayre is two-channel only, and for that it misses my mark (I have hundreds of mch hirez discs). My Modwright 3910, like most universals, has a video and digital out defeat mechanism called "all off" that likely gives... 
What is new with the Memory Player?
If, as most of this forum is saying, the real value in the MP is its' software (the extraction/RUR/error code eliminating software, not the cataloging/GUI stuff) then I would think that Messrs Bischoff and Porzilli could make huge margins (that's ... 
Best USB DAC implimenting I2S under $2.5K?
No, the X-Dac does NOT have an I2S port, and no the USB is not an I2S port, CNiker. They are not the same. USB is a pc-based universal serial bus connection; I2S was developed as a micro-link between circuit boards and has become a sort-of purist ... 
would usb sound better than a sound card
If you stay PC (noticed, like me, that you ae thinking of making the switch to a Mac, assuming all is simpler and purer there) I'd give a listen to this:1)EAC to FLAC (lossless open-code that has a Mac version too)2)FLAC playback through Foobar 0.... 
What is new with the Memory Player?
The Behold power amplifiers of Mr Perry each have 8 pairs of Analogue Devices DA converters (the AD1853 to be precise). I don't know if these are of-the-shelve or made to order specially for Behold. But, there you have it. Wonder how much it contr... 
What is new with the Memory Player?
Clement's review, although detailed when it comes to the cd sources and the overall sonics from each cd, is completely void of any information about what he paired this MP transport with! ? He makes no mention of the cables, amps, speakers...let a... 
What is new with the Memory Player?
To Audiooracle and all other Memory Player dealers/owners,I don't think any of us who've been through the incredible resurgence of redbook audio quality (great new dacs and transports, hd servers, rippers, lossless audio) have an artificial bias a... 
Downloads that aren't ripped from cd's
I agree that hi-rez needs to stay hi-rez (a reason I own hundreds of SACD and DVD-Audio titles). My point in the opening post was poorly stated. I meant that a 16/44 source, keep it out of the redbook RS process....but as you stated, hell, that me... 
What is new with the Memory Player?
I totally understand why the Reed Solomon reducing software, the hard-drive based transport, the flash memory, etc would produce a theoretically cleaner signal path. What I don't understand, at all, is the price! Why would these average-to-good bu... 
The best CD Player for the money
Just curious, has anyone heard Alex's(APL Hi-Fi) new DAC?The APL forum/website is now saying (in a post from Brent that is more than a month old) that it'll be mid to late summer. Seems like it has lost some production momentum; don't know why. It... 
Speakers with imaging "Free of the box"
Ridge Street Audio Sason Ltd. They are incredibly "not there". They don't disappear, they never really appear to begin with. Imaging and realistic soundstage. 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
My McCormack DNA-500 and TAP, with either the Modwright modded 3910 tubed stage, or the modded RWA Squeezebox3/Dac combo is usually running around 25-28. That fills a 3500 cubic foot room with anywhere from perfect to loud music. My current speake... 
Inverted and standard outputs on preamp
The inverted pair simply need to be "re-inverted" at the speaker or amp speaker binding post end (it won;t work to reverse the interconnects, etc). Simply switch BOTH left and right speaker wire red and black leads (red on black, black on red) but... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Well, a couple of updates, one of which is very interesting and concerning:1) The uninteresting one: I bought a McCormack DNA-500 amp and mated it last night with my Modwright pre. Too much humm and buzz, and the dimmers in my house drove it crazy...