
Responses from thorty40

Suitable amplifier for Dynaudio Contour 3.3?
Might I suggest the David Berning ZH-270; this amplifier has superb tonality, drive and outstanding reliability. It is 70W x 2 into 8ohms and will drive difficult loads with ease, it does not possess the soft tubey characteristics of many tube amp... 
Need recommendations on cables?
I sold my SPM Reference in favor of the Monument interconnect by Stage3 Concepts. I would not say that either one was way better than the other but I will say the virtues of the Stage3 were better sounding to me, in my system. Both are great cable... 
Need recommendations on cables? These are one of the finest cables available at this time. All hand drawn and solderless terminations.Good Luck!Chris 
Techno Anyone?
Crystal Method and Chemical brothers are my most listened to techno choices. Also, the new UberZone "Faith in the Future" disk is pretty wicked, so are some Prodigy recordings.Chris 
Are loudspeakers that different?
There are huge differences between all audio components, check out opinions here on Audiogon thread archives and try for more information about the differences between various speakers and cd players. 
What if you had an entire week.....
This is great!! Keep them coming you guys!! :) 
Choral music with soulful rythum and energy
Sugarbrie, thanks for the suggestion. The Amazing Grace disk is excellent, just outstanding actually. I have listened to it over and over the last few days, in fact its playing right now. Its a fine recording and the performers are absolutely top ... 
Advice on DAC/upsampler
Hi, I had the MSB Link Dac 3 and thought the Art DI/O modded by Bolder cable Co. w/ external power supply was a better performer in spades. I have not the heard the other 2 Dacs in question, I hope this helps. For any more information about the Ar... 
Best CD player directly to Amp?
Muse Thalia Nine Gen.2 & Muse Erato, both are superb.Good Luck,Chris 
newbie need help on decision on buying an amp
If your budget will permit, I'd try the Berning ZH270. It will drive your speakers very well and has the some of the best sonics at any price. Your Vandersteen 3A's will literally sing like songbirds!!Good Luck,Chris 
Thick or thin speaker & interconnect cables ?
Hello Henry, try contacting Luis at Stage3 Concepts, he would be able to suggest and/or build you the best cables for your system.www.stage3concepts.comGood luck,Chris 
Best PC for McIntosh MC 1201 amps?
Maybe Stage3 power cables would fit, superb cables - performance + quality in one. If not, I'd be willing to bet they would custom design the appropriate termination for you.www.stage3concepts.comRegards,Chris 
YBA Owners - Power Cord Suggestions, Please - Incredible power cables, some of the best out there. All hand drawn and hand made one by one. 
WADIA / dCS / AA Capitole - the ultimate CD ??? .
The Muse Thalia Nine I believe would compare favorably to the Audio Aero Capitole which I am sure is a very strong contender for a single box solution.It seems it might be wise to choose a player that you can not only live with but be sure to get ... 
what are the best couple of cassandra wilson cd's
New Moon Daughter and Traveling Miles are both superb.Chris