
Responses from thorty40

Why no threads on OTL amps?
Jtinn, just for the record it is not my goal to invalidate your comments entirely and perhaps my statement of being "quite closed minded" was going a bit far. My intent is not to create personal conflict in this forum, as I do not feel its necessa... 
Why no threads on OTL amps?
Jtinn, your comments are appreciated but in my opinion are quite closed minded about this amplifer design which eliminates the need for an audio output transformer, hence "OTL". Sure, not OTL in the sense of the some 50 year old school of though a... 
What is the future of amp technolgy?
A great example of advanced amplifier design today is the David Berning Z amplifers. High tech stuff and sounds great, does not sound like tubey tube amps or SS gear they sound more like the tonality of tubes with the bass and clarity of the bette... 
Is the SPM/Quatro fil still a good choice
Hi Ken, yes I feel the SPM combined with the EMC-1 (running direct I assume through the Berning) would be a good match. I use the SPM Reference right now from my cd player to my preamp with very good results.I will be upgrading from the SPM Refere... 
Why no threads on OTL amps?
Twl, well put, your comments hit the nail right on the head. Why do so many seem resistant to the thought of a more evolved OTL design? That is my question.Try this - goto SLOG on line, view archives, on line ar... 
Why no threads on OTL amps? is an link to an image of a cutting edge, state of the art designed OTL amplifer made by David Berning based on ZH technology used on his current product line up.As you can see by the... 
Why no threads on OTL amps?
"The Tenors can handle impedence swings as well as any OTL."Not true actually, the Berning OTL's INCREASE output power into lower impedences. The Tenors cannot do this simply due to the nature of their design. This does not mean they are not great... 
Is the SPM/Quatro fil still a good choice
The SPM Reference are indeed very nice cables, they do however reveal any strengths or weaknesses in the chain, so be prepared for that. The SPM need strong upstream components to sound their best but they will provide you with an openness and det... 
odyssey amp's how do they compare to others
The weight of any given reviewers "golden ears" just irks (spelling?) me to a certain extent at times. I understand the urge to feel weary of any products with an undue amount of hype but when its hype from the consumer audio community it seems to... 
odyssey amp's how do they compare to others
Since when does magazine exposure and acceptance equate value and quality? Please, many well known audio publications will proclaim the most expensive pieces of equipment to be the best which is utterly ridiculus. However, without the support of m... 
Why no threads on OTL amps?
Definitely include the Berning 270 for OTL's which put out little heat, the 270 puts off very little heat, in fact less than any other OTL I can think of. It also does not use much power from the AC - 100W@idle & 300W max. and increases output... 
Why no threads on OTL amps?
Hi Tim, what speakers is your friend using with the Tenors if you don't mind?Thanks,Chris 
odyssey amp's how do they compare to others
I heard the Odyssey at the Festival Du Son in Montreal and thought it sounded quite nice, espically for the asking price. The designer/owner of the company has been around for a long time and everyone seems to love these amps. Go for it! If you ar... 
2Ch amp Quandry..
I agree with the first 2 suggestions, go with the Odyssey and maybe get the 120,000mfd option. They sound & look nice, don't cost a fortune and are built by a company that has been around for a long time. I heard them at the Festival Du Son an... 
Why no threads on OTL amps?
OTL amps are sonically amazing, however alot of people are afraid of them because of reliabilty issues, incompatible speaker matching concerns as well as the massive power consumption the bigger OTL's require and of course tube life. Very few OTL'...