
Responses from tommy583

Rogue Audio Metis owners what tubes are you using?
Hi Metis owners. I'm thinking about getting some RCA or GE's to try. Any other suggestions? What have you guys tried and liked. Or didn't like. 
Will Vincent "Dynaco" Amps
Dav65mus,I was not aware i could use kt66 tubes in this amp. I know i can use kt77's. I will have to look into this. By the way the amp is a work of art. My girlfriend thought it was a bomb when i openend the box, but i think it looked great.Tommy 
Will Vincent "Dynaco" Amps
I have one of Will's Dynaco ST-70 rebuilds. I have found it to be a very good amp. It has a nice smooth sound. It also very good bass for a lower powered tube amp. Though the sound was good the way it came, i couldn't help but roll some tubes. I e... 
What tubes for ST-70
Well Rodman, you were right thanks for your advice. About the caps, this is not a stock st70. It has been rebuilt from the ground up. The only thing that is original on it is the transformers. From what i can see from the top there are solen caps ... 
How much does your system retail for?
$8,020, thank god my girlfriend doesn't read this site. Of course with this site i've only spent about half of that. 
What tubes for ST-70
Well guys my tube rolling is done for now. In the end i settled on a pair of RCA 7199's, a quad of winged "C"' el34's and a Mullard fat base gz34. While the 7199 and el34 tubes were an improvement over the tubes i had to start with, the gz34 broug... 
What tubes for ST-70
I've seen some good things about the remake of the Gold Lion KT-77's. I may try a quad of those next. I've seen them priced around $180-$200 a matched quad. I wonder if they are worth it though? 
What tubes for ST-70
Ok i put in a quad of the Svetlana EL-34 winged C, RCA 7199's and a GE GZ-34. The sound is alot smoother overall. I do think i lost a little bass when i installed the EL-34's. This leads me to belive the old tubes were KT-77's. The soundstage is a... 
What tubes for ST-70
I got a pair of RCA 7199's from my local dealer yesterday. All i can say is WOW. It's like a whole new amp. Alot more detail, but still sounds smooth. Now i really can't wait for the new EL-34's to arrive. 
What tubes for ST-70
Thanks for the link Rodman, he has alot to choose from. I just ordered a quad of the winged c Svetlana el34's. I'll post once they arrive and i have a chance to listen to them. Thanks guys. 
What tubes for ST-70
Oops i stated above that the GZ-34 i bought was an RCA. It is a GE branded tube. 
What tubes for ST-70
Thanks for your input guys. The amp came with a JJ Tesla GZ34, i just picked up an RCA GZ34 from a guy that lives near me. He also has a few Mullards i could get, but i didn't have the money on me when i stopped by. That being said, the RCA does s... 
Do the tubes have to be matched?
It would be nice if i could buy the nos Sylvania's then send them out for testing. But i doubt i could return them if they didn't test well. At that point i think i would be s.o.l. Bye the way since these are push pull amps do the tubes have to be... 
Do the tubes have to be matched?
Ponnie,Thanks for the tip. I emailed him this morning. His site was helpful and so were the links off it. The tubes i was talking about above were in black and yellow Sylvania boxes that have a made in England stamp on them. The tube itself says S... 
Hey guys, Tommy here from Baldwinsville (north of syr). System; Classe cdp.5, Rotel pre, Asl wave-8 mono amps and Tyler ref monitors. I'd love to hear some other (better) systems.