
Responses from waldner1236bbd

A tubes vs. Solid State question.
Here is the un-varnished truth: At the very high-end of audio, a vacuum tube, properly implemented, is an inherently superior and more natural sounding amplification device than a transistor (for many of the reasons already stated and more).Unfort... 
Anyone with a high-end home theater sans sub?
Three Flrnlamb posts in a row and they get more rambling and incoherent each time. What in God's name is he even talking about?Let's have some fun and try something new. Can anyone guess how many exclamation points Flrlamb used in his last post? A... 
Anyone with a high-end home theater sans sub?
I actually agree with much of what you have said Cinematic. At the performance level of most systems, a good powered subwoofer makes a huge difference in the enjoyment of the movie experience. I was only responding to some of the over-the-top and ... 
Anyone with a high-end home theater sans sub?
Since you brought it up (too many times to count) Flrnlamb, where can one go to buy gear from you and receive some of your wisdom? Also, I'm curious, which two "high profile showcase homes" did you do? And which six stores were you at? 
Anyone with a high-end home theater sans sub?
Sloppy HIGH "Q" bass is just that-- sloppy bass. It makes no difference whether you are watching a film or listening to music. An audio system will tend to sound best when it is more accurately reproducing the input signal. For movies, there is pl... 
Anyone with a high-end home theater sans sub?
Here, let me help you remove your foot from your mouth. 
Anyone with a high-end home theater sans sub?
Flrnlamb wouldn't know good sound if it landed in his lap. He also doesn't know that "high Q" refers to poor quality underdamped bass. High end audiophile speakers are Low Q. THX and Lucas Film are responsible for some terrible theater standards w... 
Anyone with a high-end home theater sans sub?
Flrnlamb said: "YES, EVEN A PAIR OF OLD DEFINITIVE BP2000'S WITH 15" 1000WATT ACTIVE AMPS DRIVING THE BASS, WILL STOMP ANY WILSON GRAND SLAM, JM LABS UTOPIA FULL RANGE, or anything else you can think of that's passive, even being driven by, YES, B... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
Regarding measuring speakers in an anechoic chamber, a speaker’s job is to reproduce the sound of the waveform accurately. An anechoic chamber (or software that simulates a chamber) is needed to measure the direct sound that is coming from the lou... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
We have beat to death all of the issues related to whether or not Mr. Hardesty did enough homework before making his comments about the Wilson loudspeakers. There has also been endless discussion about who subjectively likes the sound of the Wilso... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
Opalchip's right on point. Not only are none of the people here are willing to address the specific performance/measurement issues raised by Hardesty, but the responses from John at Wilson and Michael Fremmer completely ignore those tough question... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
Interesting response by Mr. Fremer, but he doesn't address any of the specific criticisms made by Mr. Hardesty of the build quality, choice of materials (e.g. the choice of a rather large 7" midrange "woofer") and the problematic measured performa...