Amps for Paradigm Persona 3f

Looking for experience of Audiogoners and dealers in good amp matches for Persona 3f.
System in a medium sized, oddly shaped room with very little bass node action. Jazz, pop, geezer rock listened to at moderate volume. If you have any specific experience with Parasound A-21, PrimaLuna Integrateds, (got a Prologue 2), Hegel 80, (also own)-I am especially curious. Realize that’s a few levels below the typical amp mating for this Paradigm model.
Any suggestions, and real world experience are welcome (higher price point suggestions are also good, even expected). Thanks

Showing 1 response by gold

Excellent speaker!  

I am currently using PS Audio BHK 250s with the 3F's and they sound amazing.  Probably the best amp I have owned.  I had a pair of W4S SX 1000rs and they sound very good as well.  I'm sure there are many others that would work great including the A21 or even the JC 1s.