April 2017 review of the Paradigm Persona 9H A home run for Paradigm!

I have been following all the contested threads about the new Paradigm Persona line of speakers and it seems that many people are having difficulties in believing that Paradigm, a company well respected for value loudspeakers could produce a product that can rival the best exotic loudspeakers on the market.

The review came out today in the Absolute Sound April 2017 issue and what my ears have told me is true, is true. 
John Atkinson, compared the Pardigm 9H $35k to the Magico S7MK 2 $58k and found that Personas to be in the same class as these highly thought of prestigious loudspeakers. I think I read on one  of the threads that a Magico owner was saying that wasn't possible!

I am not an expert, on loudspeakers, I do know what sounds real to me, and when I heard these speakers my jaw hit the floor. Stunning realism. I could almost reach out and touch the Beatles, and Miles Davis. Huge sound stage, totally transparent, and smooth, with dynamite bass. 

At this point I am torn between the Legacy Audio Signatures and The Paradigm Persona 3F which shares the same driver technology of the 9H but costs $10k, I am lucky to be working with a dealer that represents both of these awesome lines of loudspeakers. 

It seems to me that many audiophiles need to open their minds and stop being so brand loyal to the point of obsession,  and start looking at the sound, and only the sound. I know for me as a professional photographer, I have gone back and forth between Canon and Nikons, and I love them both but am wedded to neither. Why in the audio world do people have such furvor over what they buy with the belief that their product and only their product is the best? In the camera world it seems much more fluid with people changing camera brands without ever starting a written riot if someone dares to bring up another brand or question their choice. 


Showing 6 responses by gpgr4blu

I will not attempt to hijack this Persona thread to extol another brand of speaker, tell everyone here that they are misguided if they prefer the Persona over another speaker at or near their price range, tell everyone I know speakers costing thousands of dollars less that are better, contend  that some other speaker is better as a matter of scientific materials engineering fact,  promote the technology or sound of any other speaker over the Persona or accuse Audiodoctor of caring more about selling a brand (Paradigm) than making sure their customers get the best SQ for the money. 
These are among the positions Audiotroy advanced which got him into a pickle on a thread in which the OP asked if, based on the size of his room, he should elect to buy Wilson Sashas or the Alexias. To add insult to injury, Audiotroy advanced these positions and others (and I summarize) as one who works for a dealer that sells Paradigm.
 We should all keep our ears and minds open on this forum and always remember that speaker selection is a highly personal choice. The Personas which I have listened to one 2 occasions in different settings are fine speakers which I  correctly predicted would be well reviewed by Anthony Cordesman in The Absolute Sound.  Many who have the opportunity to hear the new Personas will agree that they are a very strong product for the $. 
I wish the best to all who prefer the new Paradigms to any other speaker within earshot. Such a choice is valid and need not be defended.
Sorry, I don't know how provide a link but JohnnyR in the post above links to some comments in the thread to which I'm referring which is titled "Wilson Sasha 2 or Alexia for small room 10' x 17?'". Click on JohnnyR's comment and open up the whole thread from there. You will see that Audiotroy , with a small assist from Kuppe 38, attempted to hijack that thread to promote Personas and AudioDoctor.  Audiotroy had also done that on another thread to which I was a party.  I am not here to destroy, hijack or turn this thread into anything other than a celebration and discussion of Personas which are excellent speakers and a great deal for the $ (at least re the unpowered version which is the one I heard) BUT you requested the info, so I responded.
 I am also a fan of Legacy brand which sound quite different from the Personas. You cannot go wrong with either of those choices re SQ and customer support.
If you could not figure it out from your misspent time on the above referenced Wilson thread, I am not a Vandy fan and I do not have any relationship with Audioconnection.
You are wasting my time again. You accuse me of having a relationship with AudioConnection based on one quote of mine from 2015 which you take and twist out of context.
Let's look at facts. Your first posting to Audiogon was 5 1/2 weeks ago.
I have posted since 2004.
You have 22 posts or responses in that short time span, 20 of which refer to AudioDoctor and usually how great it is as a dealer. There is no question that you are enthralled with this dealer which I have mentioned in the Wilson thread that Audiotroy invaded to sell his wares and in which you  so boldly came to his defense.  
Now you have apparently gone through my 495 posts or responses to see if you can find anything to indicate that I am enthralled with, or as you say,  have a "relationship" with a dealer. You then find one quote of mine in 2015 which you use to prove it.
 In fact, anyone can click on that thread from your post to see that the thread started with a post by a guy from Oregon who was going to be in NYC for Christmas and was asking what audio stores he should seek out. One poster said that he should rent a car a drive to NJ to see Audioconnection which he referred to as "the best" around. The next poster chimed in agreeing that the poster should visit Audioconnection and Audiodoctor. I was the next poster who confirmed that Audioconnection was one of the finest shops in the metro area and that I had purchased more gear there than at any other dealer (that is because they carry Audio Research of which I am a fan and I have purchased and upgraded numerous ARC pieces there).
In my next sentence--which you conveniently leave out--I tell the OP that which dealer he seeks out in the NYC area will depend on what he's looking for. I then tell him to check out Stereo Exchange, Ears Nova, Lyric Hifi, Sound By Singer, Innovative Audio, In Living Stereo, Audioarts, High Water Sound and others. Sound like a relationship between me and Audioconnection? (By the way, I have purchased gear from each of those dealers and know their proprietors as well).
By the way, for the record, I think the T&A gear is great as are the Paradigms and Legacy speakers. My beef has been with the way Audiodoctor misuses Audiogon forum threads about other products to sell its wares and promote its expertise over other individuals and other dealers. I, and everyone in my NYC listening group of 5, do not patronize Audiodoctor for what we have experienced as hard sell tactics. You, on the other hand may be having a wonderful experience there and you would be entitled to that.  
You are really great at attempting to twist my words and lie about the facts to fit your conclusions. I have never been a shill or in the thrall of Audioconnection nor have I or do I have any relationship whatsoever with them except as an person who has purchased gear there among many other dealers. Having found the 1 post in my close to 500 posts on Audiogon where I mention Audioconnection together with 8 other dealers that a Goner from Oregon should visit while here on a trip---does not make for a relationship of any sort. On the other hand your 21 out of a total of 23 posts in your brief time on Audiogon professing your love of Audiodoctor does show at least a bias that perhaps blinds you to all else.  You should get out more. There are lots of good dealers in the NYC area. A lot of them have great gear as well. Don't let Dave convince you otherwise.
You say that poor Audiotroy only mentioned Paradigms one time on the thread dedicated to the OP's request as to whether Sashas or Alexias would be best for his room size. Read it again. He has 12 posts on that thread, most interminably long, to sell his non Wilson wares as well as to promote the ever overreaching Audiodoctor as the finest dealer around who does the best for their customers because, unlike the other dealers, AD is "sound loyal" and not "brand loyal" and because they carry the best products for the money.
 Many of his posts continued his self promotion long after the OP told the thread participants that he purchased Sashas.
Finally, I have dealt with the hard selling Dave on many occasions back when he worked at Sound By Singer and at 2 NY audio shows. My audiophile friends have also had the displeasure of dealing with him at Sound By Singer and at shows and 2 of them have been to his shop.
If you like his style--that's fine. I'll stick with the 9 reputable dealers I mentioned in my post from 2015.
You know, it's a shame that I have to go out of my way to listen to such brands as Paradigm, T&A, Legacy and Kef. They are all truly great brands that deserve better than Audiodoctor. Just to be clear, my antipathy towards Audiodoctor is not because I prefer another particular dealer, it's because I get very upset when threads that I'm participating in and enjoying the back and forth with my fellow Goners-- are trolled--especially by dealers who should know better.  And Audiotroy has done that on more than one occasion. Kind of takes away the joy of this wonderful hobby, doesn't it?
Now, let the thread go back to where it started before I interrupted to show how easy it is to be a troll. 
Well Kuppe, we agree on one thing, CSA and Audio Nexus are not the friendliest of dealers and I do not patronize them either (although CSA is out of business now) and Andy Singer had a rep as overbearing but I always appreciated his knowledge and he always treated me very well. You and I also do not disagree on the freedom of one to like whatever speaker he chooses or whatever equipment he chooses. But my beef, as stated, was with Audiotroy who has invaded more than one thread that I have been in (and one which I was not on) or I would not be all over him. Look at the language he uses to promote Audiodoctor in the Wilson thread. I have never read any dealer post on the history of this forum that so shamelessly promotes his dealership. This was in line with how Dave tried to sell me at Sound By Singer and at audio shows. It just rubbed me and others the wrong way from the very first time I was subjected to it. I did my best to avoid Dave in my subsequent  visits to Singer's shop and mostly succeeded. Audiotroy deserves everything he got from me IMHO. His 12 posts on that thread were attempts to defend himself from me calling him out and to further promote his expertise and that of Audiodoctor.
Of course, in any thread, someone can make a suggestion of another brand or another alternative--I am never against that. It's the way Audiotroy did it (and as a dealer rep) that caused me to go at him. I am not the master of Audiogon propriety and indeed have never been as ferocious in writing in any forum or anywhere else as I was here on Audiogon with Troy.  
You, on the other hand, are apparently happy with the way they have treated you and I'm sure they are capable of that. They do carry some fine brands but I will exercise my right not to purchase those brands from them. You will exercise your right to not purchase from Audioconnection because John strongly promotes Vandys. And life will go on.